Morbid obesity is a condition in which there is a very high accumulation of fat in the body, so the sufferer is overweight which is far from the ideal size. Morbid obesity not only affects the physical form, but also has the potential to cause other harmful health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension).
The difference between obesity and morbid obesity is in the body mass index (BMI) value. A person is said to be obese when they have a body mass index of more than 25, while morbid obesity is higher, which is 37.5 or more.
Morbid Obesity Causes
In order for the body to run properly, for example to help the respiratory system and keep the heart beating, humans need energy in the form of calories obtained from various foods. Calories will be more burned or used by the body when a person is actively moving or exercising regularly. But otherwise, excess calories cannot be burned and the body will store them as fat.
Morbid obesity is the impact of fat deposited in the body. There are two main factors of fat accumulation in the body, namely.
- Inactive movement and rarely exercise, so the body does not use existing calories effectively.
- Unhealthy food patterns and menus, such as eating high-calorie foods that are not in accordance with the activities performed.
Morbid Obesity Risk Factors
Why can certain people develop morbid obesity? In addition to the lack of physical activity and unhealthy food patterns and menus, It also could be that the condition is caused by the following factors:
Genetic factors
Some research suggests that people with a family history of obesity are more likely to experience similar conditions.
A person is said to be prone to obesity, including morbid obesity, because he is unable to maintain a daily diet.
Mental state
Mental condition factors such as stress and anxiety disorders, can cause a person to be overweight because the body produces more cortisol hormones. The hormone triggers the body to tend to store fat, not burn it.
Sleeping habits
It’s common knowledge that sleep deprivation can be another contributing factor to weight gain. What about your sleep patterns?
Many women have difficulty losing weight while pregnant and tend to experience weight gain during menopause.
Certain medical conditions
A number of medics can cause obesity, including Cushing’s syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome.
Antidepressants can trigger weight gain. Therefore, be careful in taking medicines. It is better if you follow the doctor’s advice.
With age, the body’s metabolism becomes slower and decreases the fat burning function. A poor lifestyle can further aggravate this condition.
Morbid Obesity Symptoms
Morbid obesity people also usually experience some symptoms, such as.
- Shortness of breath.
- Easy and sweaty a lot.
- Snoring.
- Easily tired.
- Pain in the joints and back.
- Difficulty doing physical activity.
- Feeling unconfident or isolated from the environment.
Morbid Obesity Treatment
At an early stage, the doctor will measure the weight and height to ascertain what the patient’s body mass index is. Then, lifestyle and diet will also be a consideration.
Not only that, the doctor may also perform a blood test to see if there is a medical condition that triggers obesity. Checking whether or not there are complications such as high blood pressure is also not to be missed.
For the treatment of morbid obesity, the doctor will propose several alternatives such as:
- Weight loss plan recommendations
- Physical therapy if there are mobility problems
- Prescribe medications to lower the body’s ability to absorb fat
- Check whether there is a risk of complications such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.
If some of the above treatment steps do not work, your doctor may recommend Bariatric surgery to help you lose weight.
Not only with doctors, there are nutritionists who will also design weight loss programs. Patients should follow the instructions carefully because losing weight too quickly can actually have a bad impact on the body. Likewise with excessive physical exercise.