In general, the word “energy” refers to a concept that can be paraphrased as the potential to cause change.
Therefore, many have argued that energy is the cause of every change.
Do you know what energy means?
Energy Definition
The most common definition of energy is a work that can be done by a certain force (gravity, electromagnetism, etc.).
General energy definition
The definition of energy in physics or natural science is an ability to do a work or effort. It can also be said that energy is part of an object, but it is not bound to it. The exact feature of energy is that it cannot be destroyed and cannot be created. However, energy can be converted into other forms.
In general, many also refer to energy as power. This is certainly acceptable because in fact in everyday life, people always done anything with power. The energy unit according to the International Unit (SI) is joule. While in general, there are still many that make energy units such as kWh, calories, and erg.
Oxford Dictionary
According to the Oxford Dictionary, energy is the strength and vitality (life force) required for sustained physical or mental activity.
Energy is power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, mainly to provide light and heat or for working machines.
Cambridge Dictionary
In the Cambridge Dictionary, energy is the strength and ability to be physically and mentally active.
Energy is the power to do work that produces light, heat or movement or fuel or electricity used for power.
Energy is the power of something like electricity or oil that can do the job, such as providing light and heat.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, energy is a basic entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical changes in the system and is usually considered as the capacity to perform work.
Encyclopedia Britannica
In the Encyclopedia Britannica, energy, in physics, is the capacity to do the job.
Energy Definition According To Experts
Campbell, Reece and Mitchell
They argue that energy is an ability to rearrange matter. Or in short energy is the capacity / ability to do a job.
Robert L. Wolke
The definition of energy, according to Robert is the ability to make things happen.
According to Einstein
The definition of energy, according to Einstein was a product of the mass and squared speed of light.
According to Michael J. Moran
The definition of energy is a basic concept of thermodynamics and is one of the important aspects in engineering analysis.
According to Young,
Work is an energy that has been generated. It’s meant to do the work that energy needs.
Energy Types
The following are the types of energy, as follows:
Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy or motion energy is the energy that an object has due to its movement.
Kinetic energy can be interpreted as an object that is interpreted as an effort needed to be able to move objects with a certain amount of mass from a stationary state to a certain speed.
Potential energy
Potential energy as an energy that can affect an object because the place or position (height) of the object tends to go in an infinite direction with the direction of the force generated from the potential energy. The SI unit as a tool to measure energy and effort, namely Joule (J symbol).
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is a heat energy formed from the earth’s crust. The temperature below the Earth’s crust can increase with increasing depth. The temperature inside the center of the earth reaches about 5400 °C.
Internal energy
Internal energy as kinetic energy associated with movement energy (molecules), and potential energy is connected with rotational vibrations and electrical energy from the atoms in the molecules.
Solar energy
Solar energy is the energy of heat and light from the sun. Energy that can be utilized by using technologies such as solar heating, solar thermal electricity, solar photovoltaic, artificial photosynthesis, solar architecture.
Wind power
Wind power as a collection of an energy that can be useful from wind. In 2005, the capacity of wind-power generators reached 58,982 MW, resulting in less than 1% of the world’s existing electricity use. Wind power yields could more than quadruple between 1999 and 2005.
Chemical energy
Chemical energy as an energy that comes out that produces electron interactions in which two or more molecules / atoms combine so as to produce stable chemical compounds.
Muscle Energy
Energy comes from the body is muscle energy in humans. And humans moving from the organs of the body will produce energy. For example, if a human moves an object, an object that is lifted by a human being is produced from a muscle.
Read also:
Easy Ways to Increase Energy and Physical Performance in 5 Minutes
Energy benefits
There are many functions and benefits of energy for human life. Here are some of the energy benefits.
- For the survival of living things.
- To do daily activities
- To support transportation facilities.
- As a lighting device.
- As a support for entertainment media.
- For medical and health purposes.
- For communication and information purposes.