Public awareness to eat healthy food is now greater. Because in addition to being a source of energy, the consumption of healthy foods can also lower the risk of developing serious diseases, ranging from diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, to cancer.
The daily consumption of healthy foods is highly recommended to meet daily nutritional needs. This is actually not difficult to do because healthy food choices that are good to be consumed every day there are many varieties, for example functional food groups. Not only that, the consumption of healthy foods coupled with regular exercise is also important to support a successful diet.
Healthy Food Definition
Healthy and nutritious food is a type of food that contains a balanced nutritional value and is needed by the body, such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, and water.
Why should the body get a healthy food intake? According to NHS Inform, the benefits of eating healthy and nutritious foods are that they can avoid the deadly disease of type 2 diabetes and maintain heart health by maintaining a healthy diet.
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Healthy food types
Healthy foods should be able to provide a wide variety of adequate amounts of nutrients, including minerals and vitamins.
Among the types of food, green vegetables are the first-ranked healthy foods because they have a complete nutritional content. Green vegetables are well consumed for the health of the body, among others:
This vegetable is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, folate and phytonutrients. This substance is a compound that can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Broccoli also contains vitamin C, antioxidants, as well as beta-carotene.
One serving of broccoli, which is as much as 100 grams can give you more than 150 percent of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.
There are a wide variety of nutrients contained in the leaves of Kale. Vitamin C is one of kale’s nutrients, and according to the United States Department of Medicine (USDA), kale also contains a large amount of vitamin K, which amounts to 817 micrograms or 778 percent of the recommended daily intake.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Studies have shown that consuming lots of dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage, can significantly lower a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Spinach for example, is very rich in antioxidants, especially when boiled briefly. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K.
Staple Food
Staple foods, including carbohydrates (calories) in a balanced amount are a healthy food that the body needs. Calories are units of energy. In nutrition, calories refer to the energy people get from the foods and drinks they consume, and the energy they use in physical activity.
Staple foods usually do not provide the whole nutrients that the body needs that are usually consumed with side dishes. Staple food sources can be rice, potatoes, cassava, yams, or bread. Carbohydrate derivatives are involved in reproduction, the immune system, the development of diseases, and blood clotting.
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are bright orange thanks to their alpha and beta carotene. The body converts these compounds into an active form of vitamin A, which helps maintain the health of your eyes, bones, and immune system.
Sweet potatoes also work as antioxidants, cleaning free radicals of disease triggers. One medium-sized sweet potato provides nearly four times the recommended daily value of vitamin A, plus some vitamins C and B6, potassium, manganese, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Nuts and Seeds
The next nutrient-laden healthy foods are nuts and seeds. Examples are peanuts, cashews, almonds, Chia seed, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.
These nuts and seeds not only contain high protein and fiber, but are also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and vitamin E.
Eggs are a high-quality source of protein. One egg has about 70 calories and 6 grams of protein.
Plus, egg yolks contain antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which help maintain eye health.
In addition, based on research, lutein and zeaxanthin may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness in people over 50 years of age.
Lutein can also help protect your skin from UV damage.
Seaweed is actually a very nutritious food. That’s because it contains minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and manganese, some of which cannot be found easily in many other types of fruits or vegetables. Seaweed also contains many antioxidants that have the potential to reduce inflammation and help recover from certain health conditions.
Although we do not eat the most nutritious foods such as burgers, we can still get nutrients from garlic that is often added to its stuffing or spaghetti sauce, and even grilled meat. Garlic, in addition to being cheap, also adds a unique and popular flavor to all kinds of dishes.
This ingredient is very healthy, high in vitamins C, B1, and B6. It is also full of calcium, potassium, copper, manganese and selenium. Scientists continue to investigate the health benefits of garlic and seem to discover new attributes all the time.