Platelets or the smallest blood cells, which have the main function of supporting the blood clotting process. Here are The Foods To Increase Platelets
9 Omega 6 Foods List For Healthy Diet
Foods rich in omega-6s can actually help to carry out a healthy diet process. Here are The Omega 6 Foods List For Healthy Diet
Allergic To Exercise: 3 Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
Do not be surprised, especially when you meet someone who claims to be allergic to exercise. Here are The Allergic To Exercise Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
Basal Metabolic Rate: Definition, BMR Vs RMR, and How To Calculate It With 2 Formulas
If you want to lose weight, it’s a good idea to calculate your BMR. Here are The Basal Metabolic Rate Definition, BMR Vs RMR, and How To Calculate It With Formulas
7 Proper Hand Washing Time
Hand washing is the main pillar to prevent infection from entering by hand, because the hand is a source of direct or indirect germ transmission. Dirty hands can cause infections and lead to diseases of the body, such as diarrhea and influenza. Here are The Proper Hand Washing Time
29 Dehydration Symptoms You Must Know
The two early signs of dehydration are thirst and dark yellow urine. This is the body’s way, when attempting to add fluid in the body and reduce fluid disposal. It depends on how much your body loses fluid, dehydration is divided into 2 levels, namely mild moderate, and heavy. Here are The Dehydration Symptoms You Must Know