Vitamins for high blood pressure
Although we try to maintain a healthy diet every day, in reality we still don’t really pay attention to what we eat. In fact, this can make us suffer from nutritional deficiencies, especially in the case of deficiencies of certain types of vitamins.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of Vitamins For High Blood Pressure. Vitamin D is known to maintain the health of bones and skin, as well as maintaining the overall metabolic function of the body. The best source of vitamin D for us is the exposure to the morning sunlight, although it can also get it from various sources of fresh food as well as supplements.
Well, apparently, there is one more function of vitamin D that is not much known to people, namely controlling blood pressure.
Understanding Vitamin D function on blood pressure
A study reports that routine vitamin D intake can lower blood pressure, especially in people who are at risk of hypertension (prehypertension) or who have experienced it.
Sometimes, your body can produce too many cells in the muscles that line up your blood vessels so the plaque appears. Plaque left to accumulate can inhibit blood flow, which can gradually increase blood pressure
Researchers have found that daily intake of vitamin D can bind to special receptors in vessel wall cells that can reduce the risk of increasing cells that could trigger plaque buildup.
The function of vitamin D can also reduce the activity of the system that controls your blood pressure. This system is called a renin-angiotensin, which allows increased blood pressure when overactive.
However, what causes this blood pressure system activity is still unknown, and how vitamin D can help control the blood pressure activity is still a mystery.
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Vitamin D deficiency can trigger Vitamin D.
Based on a study conducted at Georgia Tech, New Orleans, USA, it is mentioned that those who suffer from vitamin D deficiency tend to be more susceptible to blood circulation disorders. In fact, it can affect the increased risk of hypertension or high blood pressure and heart attack.
If we lack vitamin D intake, then the immune system can weaken and we will become more susceptible to various types of cancer.
The researchers, led by the nutritionist of the University of South Australia, Elina Hyppönen, conducted a population study for nearly 150,000 Europeans, to see two genetic variants reflecting the status of Vitamin D.
They found that people with certain genes have more vitamin D and lower risk of high blood pressure.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency may play a role in the development of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis. This is the first study that strongly demonstrates the association with hypertension.
Hyppönen suggests that people spend some time outdoors or consume vitamin D foods to avoid this vitamin deficiency.
These foods include salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, cod liver oil, tuna, sardines and dairy products, cheeses, yogurt and eggs.
In addition, according to Hyppönen, there is no harm in consuming vitamin D supplements, between 400 and 1,000 international units every day.
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Vitamin C.
The next Vitamins For High Blood Pressure is Vitamin C.
Scientists from Johns Hopkins University in their research to find the benefits of high-dose vitamin C supplementation in helping to reduce blood pressure. Nevertheless, researchers emphasized that these findings do not recommend people to consume vitamin supplements.
About 30 percent of older people in the United States experience high blood pressure (hypertension), which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The success of treatment usually includes medications, exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes such as reduced salt intake.. Some experts believe that high levels of vitamin C, an important micronutrient found mainly in fruits and vegetables, can lower blood pressure. But a randomized and controlled study of dietary and nutritional interventions showed mixed results.
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