Diet is a way to lose weight. One diet that you can try is Mayr Diet. What is Mayr Method Diet? Here are The Definition, How To Do It, and Rules
Macrobiotic Diet: Definition, Yin-Yang, and Therapeutic
The macrobiotic diet originated in an ancient Chinese philosophy that taught a balance of “Yin” and “Yang”. Here are The Definition, and Therapeutic
Green Mediterranean Diet: Background, 5 Benefits, and Food List
The new version of the Mediterranean diet encourages the culprits to consume more plant-based protein. Here are The Green Mediterranean Diet: Background, Benefits, and Food List
The Pegan Diet: Definition, 7 Food List To Consume and Avoid, and Sample Menu
Pegan diet or peganism is predicted to be a diet trend that is widely followed this year.. Here are The Pegan Diet: Definition, Food List To Consume and Avoid, and Sample Menu
Atkins Diet: Definition, 4 Phases, Benefits, and Foods To Eat / Avoid
The Atkins diet was introduced by a cardiologist named Robert Atkins in 1972. Here are The Atkins Diet: Definition, 4 Phases, Benefits, and Foods To Eat / Avoid
4 Tips on Vegan Diets For Beginners
Vegan diets are known to have a wide variety of goodness, even many people decide to do this diet for ethical reasons out of respect for animal and environmental rights as well as health reasons. Here are The Tips on Vegan Diets For Beginners