HL7 FHIR has been used in various countries, including the WHO and various health service facilities. What is FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: How It Works, Preparation, Procedures, and Diseases That Can Be Treated
What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? Here are The Definition, How It Works, Preparation, Procedures, and Diseases That Can Be Treated
What Is Adipose Tissue: Location, Characteristics, Classification, and Function
Did you know that what makes humans or animals obese is adipose tissue. What is It? Here are The Location, Characteristics, Classification, and Function
Artificial Intelligence: Definition, Philosophy, Forms, and How It Works
What is Artificial Intelligence? Here are The Definition, Philosophy, Forms, and How It Works
Implications Definition, Types, and Examples
The term implication is often used without really thinking about what they mean and define. Here are The Implications Definition, Types, and Examples
Occupational Disease: Risk factors, Types, List, and Prevention
Occupational diseases are health problems due to routine or exposure to certain substances at work. Here are The Risk factors, Types, List, and Prevention