Axial skeleton is a skeleton located in the middle of the body which includes the skull, sternum, ribs and spine. Here are The Axial Skeleton Definition, and Parts
Psychosis Definition, 10 Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Psychosis is a condition in which the sufferer has difficulty distinguishing reality and imagination. Here are The Psychosis Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Urinary Tract Infection: 10 Causes, Diagnosis, and Prevention
Urinary tract infection (UTIs) is a condition in which organs belonging to the urinary system, namely the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, are infected. Here are The Urinary Tract Infection Causes, Diagnosis, and Prevention
Fungi Kingdom Definition, 4 Classification, and Structure
Fungi kingdom are one of the kingdoms in the six kingdom classification system. At first, experts thought fungi belong to the group of the plant kingdoms (Plantae). Here are The Fungi Kingdom Definition, Classification, and Structure
Nutrition Definition, 2 Types, Classification, Functions, and Benefits
In order for your awareness of the importance of nutritious food, then the nutrition definition, types, classifications, functions, & benefits need to be known
Gestalt Psychology: Definition, and 3 Founders
Max Wertheimer (1880–1943) was a man considered the founder of the Gestalt psychological theory, but he worked with two friends. Here are The Gestalt Psychology Definition, and Founders