Spasm is a term that refers to the sudden, strong, tense activity of the muscles. Spasm in the field of medicine is often used to show the muscle contractions that appear suddenly and involuntarily.
There are three types of muscles in the human body, i.e. muscle striated, smooth muscle, and heart muscle. Striated Muscle is a muscle that is plentiful on the surface of the body, such as the muscles of the forearm, thigh muscles, chest muscles, and so on. Smooth muscle is a muscle that makes up the organs in the body, such as the muscles of the bowel, uterine smooth muscle, the muscles of the blood vessels. While the heart muscle is striated muscle (striped muscle) in the walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has a structure like striated muscles, but work unconsciously.
In fact, all the muscles can experience muscle spasm, both the muscles of the limbs and muscles in the organs of the body. Striated Muscle Spasm is reported to occur more frequently than the other two types of muscle.
Muscle spasm will feel strong, edgy, and sufferers feel pain. Muscle spasm in general is harmless. Muscle spasm is also a term used to denote the term muscle cramps are often used by laymen.
How To Cure Muscle Spasms
Here are some ways to cure muscle spasms:
Spasm is a temporary muscle contraction. In a matter of minutes usually spasm will disappear by itself. Muscle Spasm in limbs (hands, feet) can be lost by making the muscles relaxed. In the case of sustained spasm, patients given anti pain drug. Sometimes it takes also anti pain injection that contains calming effects.
Natural remedies for muscle spasms
- Prevent electrolyte disturbance.
Minerals or electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and magnesium are needed by the body to keep cells and organs functioning normally. However, sometimes the level of electrolytes in the body increases or decreases due to various causes. This condition is known as electrolyte imbalance, a body salt imbalance or a body chemical imbalance. - Stretch and massage your muscles.
Stretching or relaxation serves to channel oxygen to all parts of the muscle so that muscles can recover more quickly. To relax the muscles you can do with massage techniques. - Stay hydrated.
It is important to keep the body well hydrated. If fluid loss due to illness with fever or vomiting and diarrhea, controlling the symptoms will help limit fluid loss and prevent spasms. - Ice compresses.
There is still much controversy in choosing between warm compresses and cold packs. But you need to know the purpose of each compress and symptoms suffered. Warm compress aims to dilate blood vessels and relax muscles. While cold compresses aim to reduce pain, dilate blood vessels and stop small bleeding in the network. So to select it you need to see the purpose of the compress and the symptoms you feel. - Bathing with epsom salts.
The benefits of epsom salts can help relieve muscle spasms. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt into a cup of hot water. Let it cool and put in your refrigerator for 20 minutes. This herb will make your muscles feel more relaxed.
Thank you very much for reading How To Cure Muscle Spasms, hopefully useful.