Essential oil for headache – Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic daily headaches, especially women, with levels twice more than men.
Common headache disorders include migraines, headaches due to tension, and cluster headache.
Often experience headache, which means headaches that occur during at least half of the month or every day for three months or more, is defined as the CDH or chronic daily headaches.
Headache is not only painful, but also inhibit daily activity.
Recurring headaches and worries will cause future problems on career, relationships, and social life.
This condition can also trigger the emergence of other health problems, such as anxiety and depression, which, for obvious reasons, there is much more common in migraine sufferers than healthy people.
The most surefire solution to relieve headaches is to find the root cause.
Causes of headache.
The other main headache trigger is stress, which can be reduced by using lavender and peppermint oil. Changes in sleep patterns can also cause headaches. Fortunately, lavender works as a mild sedative that helps people who suffer from insomnia or lack of sleep.
Headaches can also be caused by intense physical activity, allergies, sinus pressure (sinusitis), blockage, certain foods and sensory stimulation. All these triggers can be minimized or even eliminated with essential oils. No wonder they have been used for thousands of years, this magic oil has the ability to treat almost all health conditions.
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Essential oil for headache
Lavender oil.
Lavender is often used to help people fall asleep and reduce stress, anxiety, or depression. Many believe that it can help relieve headaches and Migraines that are triggered by stress. A study in 2012 showed that inhaling lavender essential oil can be a safe and effective treatment for overcoming migraine headaches.
Rosemary oil.
Rosemary oil is traditionally used to treat headaches and improve circulation. There is some research that specifically supports the rosemary oil as an effective treatment for headaches. However, a study in 2008 showed that the rosemary oils have anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Another study from the year 2013 discovers that rosemary oil helps relieve pain and insomnia in people who undergo opi**um withdrawal treatment.
Peppermint essential oil.
The high percentage of menthol makes peppermint essential oil an extraordinary headache remover.
This oil can slow down contractions of muscles and stimulate the circulation of blood around the forehead to relieve a headache.
Take 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil and dilute with the mixture of coconut oil, and then apply the mixture on the forehead area, neck, and shoulders thoroughly.
Thyme oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, hypertension and has soothing properties. Thyme supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous system and other bodily functions. Its soothing nature can help relieve headaches and relieve the symptoms of menstruation in women.
Chamomile oil.
Add 2-4 drops of chamomile oil on a cotton ball, then rub the right eyebrow to the left. These oils also have anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve a headache.
Eucalyptus oil.
Add 4-5 drops of eucalyptus oil on a tissue, and then breathe in the aroma. Inhaling the scent of the eucalyptus oil can help reduce muscle tension and stress causes headaches.
Helichrysum essential oil.
Helichrysum essential oil have been used for thousands of years to treat a number of medical conditions, including migraines and other headaches related problems in Mediterranean countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Turkey.
In addition, Helichrysum essential oil is able to accelerate healing of skin and wounds due to analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities.
This oil also helped calm nerves, so effective for relieving headaches due to tension.
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Essential oils for migraines.
How to use Essential Oil for headaches.
Here are the various ways of utilizing essential oil to relieve headaches.
Apply topically.
Mix 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into about 30 ml of carrier oil of your choice, such as olive oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.
Gently massage into the back of the neck, forehead and eyebrow. Avoid the area around the eyes.
You can diffuse essential oil or essential oil blend into the diffuser to prevent or relieve headaches or migraines.
Inhale the Aroma.
You can inhale the aroma essential oil by adding a few drops into a tissue or cotton ball.
Place it under your nose and inhale slowly, take about five deep breaths.
Alternatively, take a few drops of your choice essential oil into the pot or bowl containing boiling water.
Dilute five drops of essential oil with one tablespoon of carrier oil and add in about 1 liter of cold water in a bowl.
Soak the fabric in a bowl and then use as a compress on the back of the neck or on the forehead.
Cold water compresses generally work better for relieving headaches, but you could also use a warm compress to help improve blood circulation.
Aromatherapy baths.
Add about 5 drops of essential oil on a half cup of milk or a tablespoon of carrier oil. Pour the mixture in the water to soak.
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Headache behind left eye: 12 causes and ways to prevent it.
Thank you very much for reading The cause of headache, Essential oil for headache, and How to use Essential Oil for headaches.