Can You Eat Kiwi Skin? Kiwifruit is preferred because of its bright color and fresh flavor. Most people often eat kiwifruit by peeling their skin and simply picking up the flesh. Uniquely, the skin of kiwi fruit is edible and certainly rich in various nutrients, you know. How come? Check out the full review below.
Can You Eat Kiwi Skin and is it safe?
Some fruits are advised to be consumed along with the skin to obtain their nutritional content to the fullest. The fruits include apples, pears, guava, and kiwi.
Kiwi fruit is famous for its bright and beautiful green color. The fruit has a small black seed with a skin texture of a slightly hairy fruit. It is said that the skin of kiwifruit that is often disposed of precisely contained nutrients that are no less great with the flesh.
Yes, kiwi skin that seems unworthy to eat, in fact have a high nutritional content and safe to eat, of course with certain processing.
One of the studies found, Kiwi skin contains three times more fiber than the flesh. This fact is certainly very impressive, isn’t it?
The flavor of the Kiwi skin can feel a little strange to some people. However, for those who are accustomed to eating kiwi skin, the texture is similar to peach skin. While the taste is not different from the fruit.
Can You Eat Kiwi Skin? How to?
How to clean the kiwi fruit is a rub the skin with a dishwasher or with a wet clean cloth and wash under the water flowing. Once you make sure there is no longer skins, Kiwi fruit can be cut and eaten.
You can consume the skin and kiwi fruit directly or crush it with a blender. But make sure beforehand, you have washed the kiwi fruit with water and dry it with a paper towel or clothing to remove the hairs stuck.
Eat your whole Kiwi like an apple, swallow a fruit of flesh and skin together. That is part of enjoying the kiwi fruit benefits. The standard green Kiwi skin has a fuzzy texture (curly, smooth, or frayed) with mild flavor.
If you want a skin that is too intense to eat, look for a golden or yellow Kiwi. These varieties have a smoother and thinner skin, making it more palatable to eat. You will also not feel like chewing the hairs.
If you feel not ready to eat the kiwi like consuming apples, there are other options. You can cut small kiwi so that the skin is not so tasted when bitten, then mix it with a salad.
Can You Eat Kiwi Skin? Here are some benefits of Kiwi and its skin
- Vascular Health.
- Contains anti-allergic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Promotes cardiovascular health.
- Rich in vitamins A, C and E.
Vascular Health.
Potassium in kiwi fruit (like banana fruit) is most beneficial for vascular health. Kiwi can improve blood pressure, blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and regulate body hormones, and the most content is on the skin.
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It contains anti-allergic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Not only the fruits are rich in flavonoids that are anti-allergic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory, but kiwi skin too. It is necessary to enhance the immune system and ward off free radicals.
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Promotes cardiovascular health.
Kiwifruit has an alpha linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids that are believed to maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels.
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Rich in vitamins A, C and E.
In addition, Kiwifruit is very rich in vitamins A, C and E that are able to boost the immune system, maintain healthy eyes (such as to