Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis – The ovaries are one of the important organs in the female reproductive system. This organ serves as a producer of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, as well as a place of egg production.
Ovarian cancer is a cancer that grows on the ovaries. This cancer can appear in all age groups, but it generally occurs in women who are already in menopause or over the age of 50.
Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage. Usually new patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage, where the cancer has spread into the pelvis and abdomen.
Common symptoms of ovarian cancer, such as flatulence, constipation, and abdominal pain, are similar to other health problems that attack the digestive system. Therefore, an oncologist (cancer specialist) needs to ask the patient to undergo health tests to establish the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. So, what are the tests to take as a way to detect ovarian cancer?
Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
Diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult at an early stage due to the absence of specific symptoms. Ovarian cancer is commonly detected in the advanced stages with symptoms such as ascites, indigestion and abdominal pain.
In addition to its symptoms that are almost the same as indigestion, ovarian cancer also has several types. That is why, patients need to undergo health tests. This will affect the doctor’s decision to choose the right ovarian cancer treatment.
Cancer specialists are further divided into several types. If you are suspected of ovarian cancer, you will be referred to gynecologic oncologists, a specialist who treats cancers in the female reproductive system.
In this way, the doctor will most steadily detect and diagnose the type of ovarian cancer that has, such as epithelial tumors, germ cell tumors, or stromal tumors.
To enforce ovarian cancer diagnosis is required anamnesis, physical examination and supporting examinations such as CT scans, ultrasounds, tumor markers and biopsies.
Clinical symptoms that patients can feel included:
- Abdominal enlargement
- Flatulence
- Indigestion such as constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach acid rise
- Easily tired
- Shortness of breath
- Urinary tract disorders
- Vagi**nal bleeding
- Weight loss
- Pain in the pelvis and abdomen.
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At the time anamnesis had to be excavated about the history of cancer in the family because ovarian cancer is genetically affected. The history of the use of hormone drugs as well as the history of obstetrics should be asked of the patient.
Physical Examination
Physical examinations performed on patients include vital signs and systemic examinations from the head to the extremities as well as bimanual examinations. Conditions that can be found during advanced physical examination include ascites, pleural effusion, gastrointestinal obstruction, as well as a mass in the abdomen / pelvis.
Pelvic examination.
During a pelvic examination, the doctor may take several steps that will help evaluate whether you have cancer, among others:
- Check the abdomen and geni**tals.
- Feel the uterus and ovaries by inserting glove-protected fingers and pressing the uterus and ovaries along with the fingers inside your body. It may feel a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t cause pain.
- Looking into the vagi**na with a speculum.
Photo test with the doctor.
It is recommended that you get more information through additional tests, depending on what the doctor finds during the pelvic examination. The following tests can help your doctor evaluate the size and shape of your ovaries:
- Ultrasound
- X-rays
- CT scans
- MRI scans
Check the tumor marker
A tumor marker that can be checked is CA125. Where it can be done by taking blood as usual. However, these tumor markers are less specific because if the results are high it can also be a sign of other medical conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory.
Thank you very much for reading Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis, hopefully useful.