Spots are vagi**nal bleeding that randomly occurs outside Your menstruation time. Almost every woman has ever experienced this problem in her life. However, the spots can be worrying if you are not waiting for period, possibly because its color so similar to blood.
Fortunately, in most cases you do not need to be too worrisome spots.
Causes of spotting After Period
Infection occurs.
According to breast cancer specialist and gynecologist at Zuker Hofstra’s School of Medicine in New York, Dr. Janna Andrews, MD, fungi can be in the vagi**na because the conditions are humid and allows the onset of infection.
Chronic irritation can occur, with symptoms of painful urination, vomiting, painful inter**course, and bleeding or splotches.
Hormonal system is disturbed.
Usually when a person’s hormone menstrual changes, and certain hormonal changes can also occur when not menstruating. Disruption of these hormone levels that can cause blood spots out.
According to Dr. Andrews, hormonal changes caused due to overactive thyroid conditions or even inactive, as well as the occurrence of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is balance disorders of hormonal levels.
Read also: How to stop your period.
Womb can not be completely pass the menstrual tissue during menstruation
The most common cause of spotting, which happened a week or more after period ends, and lightly browned, it could be due to the womb cannot be completely pass the menstrual tissue during menstruation, so will be issued after menstruation ends. If this does not happen every month and the blood flow is less, it’s nothing to worry about. However, if this becomes a regular occurrence and bleeding that was so great in number You need sanitary napkins and immediately consult a doctor.
Organic Disorders.
The next cause of spotting after period caused by organic disorder. These disorders include a dangerous zone due to associated with abnormalities in the reproductive disorders. These abnormalities can indicate the occurrence of benign tumors, the pregnant uterus, uterine myoma, miscarriage, cervical cancer, polyps, endocervix and also the endometrial polyps (the presence of abnormalities in the body of the uterus).
Other causes of spotting after period:
- Spotting after menstrual blood can be caused by hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body, due to various reasons such as se**xual inti**macy.
- Ovulation (release of mature ovum from the ovary that marked the fertile period, occurs 14 days before the next menstrual)
- Implantation bleeding in pregnancy (bleeding during fetal implantation on the uterine wall, going 7-10 days after fertilization)
- Side effects of contraceptive use
- Stress and fatigue.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome / PCOS
- Inflammation of the pelvis
- Cervical cancer
Blood spots that are not menstruating.
The bleeding that You experienced during menstruation is similar to but not the same as the kind of bleeding that occurs when your finger sliced.
Menstrual blood is an indication of how fast blood is flowing from an open blood vessels in the lining of the uterus. Usually the color of menstrual blood nuanced two levels darker than normal’ bleeding. The darker the color of Your menstrual blood, ranging from dark red to Brown, shows that the blood is slightly older or the flow is slow. Menstrual blood can also be colored bright red (fresh blood) due to the rapid rate of bleeding and it just occurred.
Causes of brown spots that do not need to be too concerned about.
Brown spotting after period is generally leucorrhoea which is slightly mixed with old blood left over from the last menstruation. This condition need not be too concerned about. Brown spots can also be a symptom of PMS, that indicates that you will be period again in the near future.
In some women, tanned spots can appear after having se**x. It could be because of injury due penet**rations that are too coarse, or because of irritation due to the con**dom stuck up inside the vagi**na.
How to deal with spotting after period
- Enough rest and sleep.
- Limit severe physical activity and don’t get too tired.
- The consumption of nutritious foods.
- Maintain ideal body weight.
- Minimize stress.
Thank you very much for reading Spotting after period: The causes and How to Deal with, hopefully useful.