Home Remedies and Treatment For Blood Clots In Lungs [Pulmonary Embolism] – Pulmonary embolism is a blockage of blood vessels in the lungs. Blockages are usually caused by blood clots initially formed in other parts of the body, especially the legs.
In general, blood clots are formed and cause pulmonary embolism numbering more than one. This blood clot will clog the blood vessels and inhibit blood flow to the tissues in the lungs, thereby causing the death of the lung tissue.
Pulmonary embolism is a serious condition and endangering the lives of sufferers. Therefore, a quick and precise treatment is required to reduce the risk of complications and deaths.
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Treatment For Blood Clots In Lungs
Treatment For Blood Clots In Lungs or pulmonary embolism aims to prevent the formation of new blood clots and so that the blood clots that have been formed do not enlarge. There are several methods for treating pulmonary embolism, namely:
Administration of anticoagulant drugs, to inhibit the formation of blood clots, and thrombolytic drugs to break the blood clot.
Anticoagulants or blood thinning drugs (heparin, warfarin):
- This drug serves to thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. The drug is able to save lives in emergency situations.
- Thrombolytic
This drug serves to accelerate the destruction of blood clot. Thrombolytic is only used in emergency situations, because it has side effects such as serious bleeding.
Catheter installation
Catheter installation, to prevent blood clots from entering the lungs. This procedure is aimed at patients who should not be administered anticoagulant drugs or not responding to anticoagulant drugs.
Another treatment you may need is surgery, to remove blood clots that clog the blood flow to the lungs or heart. Some of the surgical procedures that can be done are:
Embolectomy surgery,
Embolectomy surgery, to remove blood clots. This procedure is performed if the blood clot is too large and threatens the patient’s life.
Remove the blood clot
This medical action serves to remove the blood clot from the arteries, by using a small hose or a catheter. This method is difficult to do, so it is not very effective.
Blood vessel filter (vein filter)
This procedure is done to prevent the blood clot from moving from the foot to the lungs.
Open surgery
This method is done only in case of emergency. For example, when the patient is in shock condition, or when the drug no longer serves to break the blood clot.
Improperly treated pulmonary arterial blockage can trigger pulmonary hypertension. This type of hypertension is the condition when the blood pressure in the lungs and right heart is too high. The heart will continuously pump blood through the high pressure vessels, consequently it can weaken the heart muscles.
If not treated immediately, the blocked lung tissue of the lump will die or called a pulmonary infarction. This makes the lungs increasingly difficult to provide oxygen for the entire body.
Home remedies
What are the lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to cope with pulmonary embolism?
Some lifestyle changes and home remedies that may be able to help you cope with pulmonary embolism are:
- Taking the drug, according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor
- Avoid lying or silence for too long
- Lose weight if you are overweight
- Keep your feet higher than the hips when lying down or sitting down
- Stop smo**king and avoid cigarettes. This can help you maintain overall lung health
- Do not wear clothes that restrict blood flow in the leg
- Using special medical stocking to prevent deep vein thrombosis, especially during long journeys
- Routine medical check-up to know your health condition.
Thank you very much for reading Home Remedies and Treatment For Blood Clots In Lungs [Pulmonary Embolism], hopefully useful.
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