| How to Manage Stress You Should Know – Stress is something that cannot be avoided in the 21st century. Stress can result in decreased health, well-being, and economic status. Stress can also cause various symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia, decreased or excess appetite, until headache. [1]
Stress is a complex process that occurs because of a mental or physical threat to a person’s homeostasis (the tendency to maintain self-stability). Stress also contains a diverse set of psychological, physiological, and behavioral responses. [1]
Although often seen as a negative response, stress is actually an important key to our survival. But if stress occurs repeatedly without being triggered by a challenging stimulus, then stress can be dangerous. [1]
Therefore, it is very important for us to always take care of our mental health by managing our stress. Here are some ways How to Manage Stress You Should Know:
How to Manage Stress You Should Know
1. Start with Morning Inspiration
There are good days, and there are bad days. However, the days all start in the morning, and somehow you can change the course later by remembering inspiration. You may want to wake up in the morning and recite spells that raise your spirits or think about the people and things that motivate you to do your best.
Morning inspirations are like breakfast, they refresh the mindset and give hearts with positive vibes. Therefore, regardless of the tension and pressure that the rest of the day may cause, you can cope with it more easily because you carry inspiration in your heart.
2. Exercising
Exercising can be an effective way of managing stress, and any type of exercise can be beneficial for stress management. However, it’s a good idea to consult a sports instructor and psychologist first to find out what symptoms of stress you are experiencing and what kind of exercise is suitable to do. [2]
The most beneficial exercise in managing stress is aerobic exercise. Many have proven that someone who does aerobic exercise for 20-30 minutes will feel calmer in the next few hours. [2]
Several studies indicate that being physically active can increase the body’s ability to manage stress due to hormonal changes. And exercise can affect neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which is very beneficial for or mood. [2]
3. Relax
It turns out that by doing relaxation is also effective in managing stress. When we are stressed, our body responds by releasing hormones that increase our blood pressure and heart rate. Relaxation can make our bodies more relaxed, and can lower our blood pressure and heart rate. [3]
There are several relaxation techniques you can try. And one of the most common and easy to do is to do deep breathing.
Apart from deep breathing, relaxation can also be done with stretching, massage, warm baths, and sleeping on time.
4. Eat Regularly and Balanced
Eating a regular and balanced diet can support the immune system and repair damaged cells. Eating a balanced diet can also provide additional energy to deal with things that can be stressful. [4]
Recent research has shown that foods containing polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3s and vegetables can help regulate cortisol levels. [4]
It’s good that we eat slowly with full awareness. When we are stressed, we tend to be indifferent to what and how much we eat. [4]
This can result in weight gain, which will be even more stressful. In addition, by eating slowly will also make us enjoy the food more. [4]
5. Do Something Slowly
Indeed, in this very busy modern world, it will always require us to live dynamically and do things quickly. However, that is what can trigger stress. Actually, we just need to take a break and take things slowly. This can be done with small things like the following:
- Set your clock 5-10 minutes earlier so you can get to your destination faster. You will also avoid the stress of arriving late.
- When you are driving and the streets are quiet, slow down your vehicle and enjoy the air around you.
- Just do the things that are important and forget about the things that are not.
6. Make Time For Hobbies
In order to avoid stress, it’s good to take time to do things we love. Besides being able to relieve stress, doing hobbies also doesn’t need to be long. Even 20-30 minutes is enough. The following are some examples of hobbies that can be done:
- Read
- Knitting fabric
- Draw or paint
- Play games (non-competitive games)
- Watching movies with friends
7. Listening to Music
Listening to music not only plays a role in reducing stress, but also can improve the mood of the listener. Some research suggests that music may provide additional restorative benefits for people who are restless or depressed. Listening to music can be done while playing a musical instrument or while singing it live. [5]
Listening to music is known to stimulate the formation of dopamine. A 2011 study showed that listening to music can increase dopamine in the brain, and listeners will experience the exact same satisfaction as when their desires are fulfilled. [5]
8. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness has long been associated with stress management both theoretically and empirically. Mindfulness has 2 important elements, namely awareness and acceptance without having to judge. Both elements are believed to be an antidote to various kinds of psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. [6]
Mindfulness itself actually has many definitions. But one of the most widely used definitions of mindfulness is an awareness that develops by paying attention to something in a certain and non-judgmental way. Mindfulness can be done by meditation, doodling on paper, breathing fresh air, etc. [6]
9. Keep in Touch with Your Loved Ones
Stress can sometimes be draining, and those feelings can get worse when you’re away from your loved ones. When in such a situation, don’t forget to contact your family and friends or people you really care about. Chat with them on Facebook, via text, or call them.
You may not necessarily be open about your feelings, but hearing from them will really channel good feelings because you know that you hear from people you care about and vice versa.
10. Go for a walk
The next way How to Manage Stress is go for a walk. Going for a walk always helps in managing stress. Not only do you get a quick workout, but walking also gives you a break from your routine. Walking takes you places and offers a change of scenery.
And when you’re stressed, these things are important because you also get a change in perspective as the environment changes. And yes, oftentimes, a change of perspective is all it takes to reduce stress.
11. Drink Water
Water keeps you hydrated. It also keeps the brain nourished and filled with the oxygen it needs to function effectively. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to think and decide correctly, especially in times of stress. And yes, when you start to feel pressure, drink a glass of water to soothe your senses and calm your emotions.
12. Have a Pet
The next way How to Manage Stress is have a pet. Some people prefer to live alone, and this arrangement can be detrimental when facing a lot of stress. This is because they have no one when they are burdened with instantaneous tension and pressure. If you are one of these people, you are advised to keep a pet.
- Can, Yekta Said et al. “How to Relax in Stressful Situations: A Smart Stress Reduction System.” Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 8.2 100. Apr. 16. 2020,
- Jackson, Erica M. “Stress relief: The role of exercise in stress management.” ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 17.3 (2013): 14-19.
- Linda J. Vorvick, MD. David Zieve, MD, MHA. Relaxation techniques for stress. MedlinePlus NCBI; 2020
- Anonymous. Stress and Health | The Nutrition Source. Harvard Edu; 2021
- Salimpoor, V., Benovoy, M., Larcher, K. et al. Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nat Neurosci 14, 257–262 (2011)
- Keng, Shian-Ling et al. “Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: a review of empirical studies.” Clinical psychology review vol. 31.6 (2011)
- Image: Pixabay
- Video: Veterans Health Administration