In this article, we will discuss the Causes and Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis
What is deep vein thrombosis?
Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clotting in the deep vein, usually occurring in the thigh or calf muscles. This condition can inhibit some or all blood flow, causing chronic pain and swelling. It can also cause damage to the valve in the blood vessels, making you difficult to move.
Blood clots can also be broken and move with the blood to the main organs, such as the lungs or the heart. If you have an incident, it can be fatal because it causes damage to the organ and even death within a few hours.
Deep vein thrombosis occurs when blood clots are formed on one or more venous vein. Deep vein thrombosis has a distinctive symptom, namely the purplish red color of the skin due to a blood clot underneath.
Blood clot formation usually occurs in the thighs or calves.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis Causes
Rarely move for a long time
The risk of this disease increases in people who rarely move for a long time, such as due to accidents, post-operative recovery, or other medical conditions.
This occurs because the muscle contractions are stopped due to long lying, so that the blood in the veins does not flow perfectly and forms a blood clot.
History of blood clotting disorders in the family
Other conditions that can cause DVT for example a person has a history of blood clotting disorders in his family,
You need to know, pregnancy is also prone to cause DVT due to increased pressure in the leg vein over the enlarged uterus. When coupled with other risk factors such as blood clotting disorders, DVT may be greater.
Other causes
Post-injury or surgery that damages the veins, when the elderly, have excessive body weight, smo**king, pregnancy, and using contraceptive pills.
Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis does not necessarily cause symptoms, so it is difficult to detect quickly. However, in general, the following are the various signs and Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis that you need to beware of:
Swollen feet
DVT generally starts from swelling in the foot area. It happens because the blood clotting has been blocking blood flow in the legs. Finally, there was swelling. . DVT can happen when you sit too long without stretching.
Painful legs or arms
The pain in the legs and arms can be a sign of DVT. The pain that appears is usually only mistaken for muscle cramps or tension.
Pain can be caused by many things. But, beware of DVT if accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling or redness. Sometimes pain also occurs without other symptoms. Usually, it feels pain when starting to walk or swinging the foot up.
Skin bruises
Bruising or redness of the skin is a sign of blood clots. Bruising is common to everyone.
According to the National Blood Clot Alliance, on DVT conditions, the redness usually occurs in the legs or arms and causes a sense of warmth when touched.
- More severe pain in the formation of blood clots
- Pain when bending the foot
- Skin appears reddish, especially on the back of the foot under the knee
- Cramps on the leg starting from the calf
- Bluish or pale colors on certain foot areas.
Not everyone experiences these symptoms. Some people even experience only one or two symptoms, so they mistakenly recognize deep vein thrombosis as a skin infection like cellulitis.
The doctor may also not rely on the symptoms you are experiencing to diagnose deep vein thrombosis. A series of advanced checks are required to enforce diagnosis.
Some inspections can include Homan techniques by pulling the toes towards the patient’s body. It can also use the Pratt technique by massaging the calves to produce pain.
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Thank you very much for reading Causes and Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis, hopefully useful.