| Hepatitis B: Definition, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Transmission, Complications, Diagnosis, and Prognosis – Lever or liver is an important organ in the body that serves to filter foreign substances and toxins from the blood. Why is the liver not functioning optimally? However, its function becomes not optimal if the liver organs are inflamed due to hepatitis virus infection (HBV).
Hepatitis B is one of the disorders that can cause liver organs to experience inflammation.
Hepatitis B Definition
Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver organs caused by the hepatitis B virus.
Does hepatitis B last long? Hepatitis B infection is a disease that does not last long in the patient’s body and will heal itself without special treatment. This condition is called acute hepatitis or acute hepatitis B infection. However, hepatitis B infection can also settle and persist in a person’s body (becoming chronic).
Chronic hepatitis B infection can lead to life-threatening complications, namely cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, chronic hepatitis B patients need to periodically control to the doctor to get treatment and early detection in case of complications. Please note, hepatitis B can be prevented by hepatitis B vaccinating.
Hepatitis B Types
Hepatitis B virus infection is divided into two types based on the length of time the disease lasts.
Acute HBV infection
How long does it take for a person to recover from a HBV infection? Acute HBV infection is a temporary disease that occurs during the first 6 months after a person is exposed to the virus. The immune system will most likely clear the virus from the body and recover fully within a few months.
Acute hepatitis infection can develop chronic when it occurs more than 6 months, but this condition does not always occur.
Chronic HBV infection
If the hepatitis B virus infection lasts more than 6 months, you may have a chronic hepatitis infection. This may be because the immune system cannot fight infection.
Chronic infections can last a lifetime and risk developing serious complications, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
The earlier your age when you get hepatitis B, the higher your risk of infection developing into chronic. Chronic infections may go undiagnosed for several years until the patient experiences symptoms of liver disease.
Hepatitis B Symptoms
- Rash
- Joint pain
- Weak
- Yellow skin
- Feces are pale like putty.
- The color of urine is dark like tea.
- Itch.
- Lost appetite.
- Nauseous.
- Vomit.
- Mild fever.
- Abdominal pain.
- Blood vessels look like spiders on the skin (spider angioma).
Hepatitis B caused by
The disease is caused by hepatitis B virus that is transmitted through se**xual inter**course or the use of non-sterile needles.
Blood or other bodily fluids (e.g. spe**rm, vagi**nal fluids, breast milk, tears, saliva, and fluids in open canker sores) that have been infected can spread the virus. The fetus in the womb can also be infected by the mother if the mother has hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B Transmission
Hepatitis B virus can be spread in various ways, including:
- Babies born to mothers infected with hepatitis B
- Have had se**xual relations with hepatitis B patients
- Have had more than one se**x partner in the last 6 months
- Use of syringes together with others such as needles for tattooing
- Organ transplantation
- Work in the field of health where there can be contact with the blood, needles, or bodily fluids of other infected people at work
- Live or travel to hepatitis B endemic areas
- Undergoing treatment that weakens the immune system (chemotherapy and steroid drug use)
- Perform blood transfusions
Hepatitis B Complications
If left untreated, hepatitis B can cause complications such as:
- Liver failure
- Cirrhosis
- Liver cancer.
Hepatitis B Diagnosis
To determine the diagnosis of hepatitis B or liver infection can be done through a series of medical interviews and physical examinations. In addition, doctors usually also conduct supporting examinations, such as laboratory examinations.
In the chronic phase, the doctor will perform a more in-depth examination. For example, by performing Hepatitis B DNA serum examination, improved liver function, HBeAg examination, and liver biopsy.
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Hepatitis B How to Cure
Hepatitis B Prognosis
The acute hepatitis B prognosis is good, recovery is successful and the patient develops lifelong immunity against HBV.
Patients suffering from Hepatitis B infection need to be regularly reviewed by liver specialists to withstand the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Abstinence from alco**hol can prevent an inflamed liver from getting worse. A healthy balanced eating menu has shown improved results of chronic Hepatitis B infection.