Epithelial Cells in Urine: Normal Levels, Characteristics, and Is It Dangerous? Urine is the result of the waste of all metabolic processes in the body. Substances that are not needed will be excreted through urine so as not to accumulate and become toxic. If you’ve recently had a urine test, you may notice ‘positive epithelial cells’.
So, what does this condition mean and is it dangerous to have epithelial cells in the urine?
Epithelial cells and their relationships if they are in the urine
If the doctor finds a small amount of epithelial cells in the urine through a microscope, this condition is fairly normal. Normal levels of epithelial cells in human urine usually range from 0 to 4 cells per field of view.
When the number of epithelial cells exceeds that number, it means that the body is experiencing problems, especially in parts of the urological system, such as the kidneys and bladder.
Doctors usually advise you to undergo an examination of the number of epithelial cells if a urine test visually or chemically shows abnormal results. You may also need this test when experiencing symptoms of kidney or urinary tract disease, such as:
- Frequent urination,
- Urinary pain,
- Stomach pain, and
- Back pain.
Epithelial cells in urine, is it dangerous?
Epithelial cells in the urine with small amounts are still relatively normal. But if the number is too much, there may be an infection or other serious medical condition that is going on.
The presence of squamous epithelial cells in the urine is not normal. Likewise, if tubular epithelial cells more than 15 per high power field (HPF), there is a possibility that the kidneys are having problems.
How to find out if there are epithelial cells in the urine? Your doctor will do a urine test or urinalysis. This test is necessary to find out if epithelial levels are low, moderate, or high.
Characteristics of epithelium in the urine based on its cause
At low epithelial levels, there may be no symptoms felt by the body. But if it’s too much, you can feel the signs directly. Here are some characteristics of epithelial cells in the urine based on their causes:
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are triggered by inflammation in the organs connected to the urinary tract. UTIs are divided into three, namely cystitis (bladder), urethritis (urethra), and kidney infection. Some of these conditions can cause symptoms in the form of:
- Pain when urinating
- A burning sensation appears when urinating
- Cloudy colored urine
- Urine smells of blood
- Lower abdominal pain
- Easily tired and unwell.
Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs to treat and relieve the symptoms of UTIs.
Fungal infection
Increased levels of epithelial cells in the urine can be caused by fungal infections. This condition often occurs in a woman’s vagi**na. Symptoms that appear are usually:
- Itching or pain around the vagi**na
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Excessive vagi**nal discharge.
To overcome and relieve the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe antifungal tablets, creams, including antibiotics.
Liver disorders
The presence of epithelial cells in the urine can also be caused by liver disorders, you know. Symptoms that can appear include:
- Easily tired
- Loss of appetite
- Decreased se**x drive
- Skin discoloration to yellow.
Treatment depends on the trigger factor. If it’s caused by excessive alco**hol consumption, your doctor may help you find an alternative to stop taking it.
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer occurs when abnormal tissue grows in the lining of that organ. This type of cancer can increase the number of epithelial cells in the urine.
The most common symptoms that usually appear are:
- Blood in the urine
- Urge to urinate suddenly
- Frequent urination
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Pelvic pain
- Extreme weight loss.
- Image: Bobjgalindo, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
- Video: MLT WORLD