Distilled water vs purified water is basically two type of water that is not too different. In this article we are discuss those two things. Read this article thoroughly.
Purified water
Purified water is like the purest water you may find out there. There are various different ways to get this pure quality. The ways that can be done are such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation and many more. Water that contains less than 10 PPM can be characterized as purified water.
Normally, the bottled water sold out there has been through 10 steps to make these products of pure water. It simply makes you drink pure water after all.
Distilled water
Talking about distilled water vs purified water, distilled water is just one type of purified water types out there. It is called as distilled water because it has passed a process called distillation. Distillation process will include boiling the water and capturing the pure H2O. After that the steam will be condensed into the water.
Bacteria could not live after the process of distillation. Other contaminants are less likely to develop in this kind of environment too. The PPM is around 1 and it can be categorized as pure water too.
The difference between purified water and distilled water
Basically, there is no difference between these two. Only the process makes these two not too similar to each other. Pure water is the type of water with less than 10 TDS. Purified water contains zero TDS, while distilled water contains about zero.
Most people preferred distilled water because they think that is the best type of water since it does not contain too much mineral. But after the epic comeback from purified water, which contains no mineral at all, people would also use this type of water.
Essentially, distilled water should pass through the distillation process to make pure water. Meanwhile, purified water should pass several processes like reverse osmosis, sand filtration, ozonation, ion exchange and many more before reaching the purest level of water.
In order to reach the highest level of pure water, water should pass 10 steps such as:
- Paper filtration with 10 micron of pleated paper.
- Ion exchange to remove any metal inside the water.
- Activated carbon to remove any organic contaminant.
- Filtration to capture carbon bigger than 5 micron.
- Another filtration to block carbon between 1 and 5 micron.
- Sterilize water with ultraviolet.
- Reverse osmosis to remove the residual contaminant.
So, this is the end of distilled water vs purified water.