Colon cancer is a type of cancer that grows in the colon.
Colon cancer sufferers are usually unaware of when cancer cells begin to grow. If not dealt with immediately, this can be fatal.
Until now, the cause of colon cancer has not been clearly known. However, there are some things that are thought to increase a person’s risk of colon cancer, such as not eating fiber, rarely exercising, and smo**king.
Colon cancer often does not cause symptoms in the beginning. However, if you often experience symptoms of indigestion, such as diarrhea or constipation, and have a family suffering from colon cancer, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The earlier it is detected, the greater the likelihood of colon cancer to heal.
What causes colon cancer?

Colon cancer is caused by changes or gene mutations in colon tissue. However, the cause of the gene mutation is not yet known for certain.
Although the cause is unknown, there are several lifestyles that are thought to increase a person’s risk of developing colon cancer, among others:
- Less fiber diet
- Over-consuming red meat and fat
- Smo**king
- Consuming alco**holic beverages
- Rarely exercise.
In addition, there are several conditions or diseases that also make a person have colon cancer, namely:
- Have a parent or sibling who has colon cancer.
- Suffering from intestinal polyps.
- Overweight or obesity.
- Has diabetes.
- Suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
- Had radiotherapy in the abdomen.
- Suffers from a genetic disorder called familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Lynch syndrome.
- Over 50 years old.
Colon Cancer Diagnosis
If there are some signs and symptoms of colon cancer, your doctor may recommend doing the following:
Physical examination
Physical examination, when the doctor feels an abnormality in your stomach. The doctor may also perform a digital rectal examination.
Blood tests
Blood tests are performed to see abnormalities that occur in other organs that may be the effect on colon cancer. Doctors can also propose a serum examination of tumor markers namely CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen). CEA can be used to evaluate the prognosis and therapeutic response.
Occult stool blood tests or faecal immunochemical tests
Occult stool blood tests or faecal immunochemical tests can be done with your stool sample, which will alert your doctor in the form of blood that cannot be seen with the human eye. Fecal tests cannot diagnose cancer, but can indicate an urgent need for colonoscopy to prevent cancer.
Performed using a long and flexible camera then inserted through the anus hole. An evaluation of the surface of the colon is carried out to see the absence of abnormal lumps or masses in the colon.
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Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Flexible sigmoidoscopy, which is less invasive than a thorough colonoscopy, examines only the lower third of the colon. Your doctor will insert a flexible tube with a camera and lights into your rectum and intestines. The device can take pictures and biopsy cells for further examination. The procedure is very short, but the downside is that it may not be able to detect the cancer in the upper intestine.
CT Scan
CT Scans of the abdomen and thorax to determine the spread of cancer can still be performed surgery.
Colon Cancer Prevention
So, how to prevent colon cancer? This is a way to protect the health of our colon.
Colon cancer screening
Screening is a test to detect cancer before the signs and symptoms develop.
Colon examination can often find growths in the colon or rectum called polyps, which can be removed before turning into cancer.
The test can also find colon or rectal cancer early. When successfully detected early on, the treatment is more likely to succeed.
The American Cancer Society recommends this screening begin at age 45 for people at average risk.
For more details, try consulting with a healthcare provider about when to start the test and which test is most appropriate
Eat lots of vegetables, fruit and whole grains
A diet that consumes a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is often associated with a reduced risk of colon or rectal cancer.
Don’t forget to try also eating less red meat (beef or goat) and processed meats that are also associated with an increased risk of colon cancer.
Regular exercise
People who are not and are less physically active have a greater chance of developing colon or rectal cancer.
Increasing physical activity can help us reduce the risk.
Other ways
- Pay attention to weight.
- No smoking.
- Limiting alco**hol.
Thank you very much for reading Colon Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis, and Prevention, hopefully useful.
Nb: We have removed the original image of colon cancer due to horrible content. You can see the original image of colon cancer here.