Appendicitis Symptoms – The appendix is an organ attached to the end of the large intestine. This organ serves as a place for good bacteria to shelter and breed. The body’s health can be threatened when the appendix becomes infected, swollen, and inflamed.
This medical condition is called appendicitis. The cause of appendicitis can be from a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection.
Appendicitis is most often caused by a blockage in the inner area of the appendix.
The trigger can be from appendicitis stones, intestinal worms, parasites, irritation due to chronic diseases, foreign objects, to injury.
When infected or blocked, bacteria develop quickly and make the appendix swollen and filled with pus.
The condition requires immediate medical treatment, so as not to cause complications and potentially fatal.
Before appendicitis becomes more severe, there are usually some symptoms or signs that appear.
Common Appendicitis Symptoms
Lower right abdominal pain (typical symptoms of appendicitis)
Appendicitis usually begins with symptoms of pain or cramping in the stomach that occur suddenly. However, most people experience intense abdominal pain more often than stomach cramps.
This symptom of appendicitis occurs because the appendix experiences swelling and inflammation. This occurs due to irritation of the lining of the stomach wall, so you experience pain in the abdomen.
However, please note that the location of the appearance of the characteristics of this appendix is different for each person. Depending on age and which area of the appendix is having problems.
In many cases, abdominal pain begins in the upper middle abdomen near the navel and usually moves to the lower right abdomen.
However, there are some people who experience appendicitis in the back so that pain, tenderness, or cramping occurs in the lower back or pelvis.
While if you are pregnant, the pain may appear in the upper abdomen. Because the position of the appendix tends to be higher during pregnancy because it is pushed by the fetus.
In general, abdominal pain due to appendicitis symptoms usually tends to increase when you make movements, take deep breaths, strain, cough or sneeze.
Pain worsens quickly
When the pain has been experienced in the lower abdomen, the pain felt can be very intense. Because of the pain, appendicitis can wake a person’s sleep. When it happens, the severity of the pain will increase rapidly, in a matter of hours.
Another characteristic of appendicitis that you can experience is fever. Usually, your body temperature increases to 37.2 to 38 degrees Celsius. In addition to fever, the condition can also make your body shiver.
Nausea and vomiting
Appendicitis can also be characterized by nausea and persistent vomiting. Decreased appetite can also be experienced. Not stopping there, appendicitis can trigger constipation or diarrhea.
Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting are associated with appendicitis, while diarrhea is more consistent in gastrointestinal infections.
Appetite can decrease or disappear even when offered his favorite food. Usually these symptoms are experienced due to the pain that is felt to cause loss of appetite.
Constipation or diarrhea
These symptoms are generally not severe and may appear after the symptoms of abdominal pain are felt. However, if there is mild diarrhea, especially if you see a lot of mucus in the stool, in addition to feeling the symptoms of lower abdominal pain, immediately see a doctor.
Difficult to fart
Generally, if you experience appendicitis pain, it will usually have difficulty farting. This is because the appendix has swelling, as a result of which there is a blockage in the area.
The above symptoms are symptoms that generally appear and complained of appendicitis sufferers. Some of the characteristics that appear can also be experienced by sufferers of other diseases such as typhus, dengue fever, and others. Therefore, a doctor’s diagnosis is needed to ascertain whether the symptoms are indeed caused by appendicitis or are a common symptom of other types of diseases.
Symptoms of Appendicitis in Children
In addition to persons, appendicitis can also be experienced by children. Not much different from older persons, children can experience some symptoms of appendicitis. Starting from nausea, vomiting, lower right abdominal pain, swollen stomach, and so on.