| Symptoms of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome – A Chinese restaurant syndrome is a series of symptoms experienced by a person after consuming foods that contain the additive monosodium glutamate (MSG). These symptoms may include headache, chest pain, burning in the mouth, hives, to muscle pain.
Named Chinese restaurant syndrome because Chinese restaurants generally use MSG in every dish. Well, a series of symptoms due to consumption of MSG is also known as the MSG complex symptom. These severe symptoms first appeared in 1986.
MSG itself is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamate isolated from seaweed or fermented corn, potatoes, and rice. The purpose of giving MSG is to improve the taste of food or popularly known as umami.
Chinese restaurant syndrome different from allergic reactions due to consumption of MSG. These symptoms usually appear in some people who are sensitive to food additives or food additives.
Symptoms of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
Not only in Chinese restaurants, MSG is now widely used throughout the world as an additive to enhance the taste of food.
However, over the years, various reactions have been recorded after consuming foods containing MSG or Chinese restaurant syndrome including:
The Chinese restaurant syndrome has also been reported to cause symptoms in the form of fluid accumulation (edema) on the inside of the throat that hangs from the roof of the mouth (uvula). Edema in the uvula even touches the base of the tongue and makes it difficult for the sufferer to speak or swallow.
How to Overcome and Prevent Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
Symptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome These are usually mild and do not require any particular treatment. However, you can consume acetaminophen or aspirin if you experience headaches after eating foods that contain MSG.
In addition, drinking lots of water can also help flush MSG out of your system and relieve symptoms.
However, the symptoms Chinese restaurant syndrome it can also be a sign of a life-threatening allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. Immediately visit the nearest health facility if you experience shortness of breath, palpitations, chest tightness, and swollen lips or throat.
Prevention of symptoms of this MSG complex can be done by limiting the consumption of foods containing MSG. Consumption of MSG should be no more than 3 grams per day, with an average of each food containing 0.5 grams of MSG.
However, if you experience severe symptoms Chinese restaurant syndrome, you should avoid the consumption of MSG. Check the label before buying or ask the waiter to make sure the food you order does not contain MSG.
In choosing packaged foods, there are several ingredients that you should avoid if you don’t want to consume MSG, including:
- Monosodium Glutamate
- Yeast Extract
- Soybean Extract
- Cheese
- Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- Hydrolyzed Yeast
- Tomatoes
- Autolyzed yeast
In addition, various processed food products, such as frozen food, mixed spices, chili sauce, sausage and powdered broth, also contain a fairly high MSG, so it should be avoided if your body is sensitive to food additives.
MSG can also be found naturally in a variety of protein-rich foods, such as poultry, meat, and seafood, as well as vegetables, such as mushrooms and broccoli.
Therefore, if you experience Chinese restaurant syndrome do not hesitate to consult a doctor in order to get treatment and advice on what food choices should be consumed, as well as how to process them to prevent symptoms from appearing.