Heart Palpitations After Eating: The causes and Tips for Overcoming it – Heart palpitations are a condition when your heart rate feels unusual, like too slowly, or the beat is not rhythmic, or has a more than normal number of beats. Some people describe it like a pounding chest. It may also be a sudden rise in heart pounding. You can also feel it on the neck.
Heart palpitations may occur even if you are not stressed. This condition can be troubling, especially if you’ve never experienced it. However, palpitations may not be a symptom of something serious.
Causes of Heart Palpitations After Eating
Some people experience heart palpitations after eating. There are several reasons that may be the cause. In general, palpitations and tachycardia that occur after eating is caused by the portion of food that we eat large or too large and the way of eating is rushed, but in addition, there are some other causes.
Next, you may be sensitive to the caffeine found in many drinks, such as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks, foods that are sensitive to our bodies that we are not aware of, MSG (monosodium glutamate), foods containing high sodium and nitrates, foods containing gluten and foods containing high sugar.
Chocolate also contains caffeine. Alco**hol also has a role. Research from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) in 2011 found a heart palpitation relationship and alco**hol consumption in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Other conditions that cause heart Palpitations After Eating, like.
- The presence of food allergies.
- Heart disorders such as arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, heart muscle disorders, angina.
- The fluctuations of blood sugar and its effect on the heart,
- Excessive eating,
- Eating spicy foods,
- Eating high levels of fat, sugar, and carbohydrate (especially when consumed after prolonged periods of hunger).
- The inclusion of gastric acid into the upper channel called Gastroesofageal reflux.
The presence of food allergies.
Taking notes on what is eaten that may cause allergies is important, especially if you have other allergies before.
Foods such as wheat, soybeans, eggs, milk, fish and nuts are common triggers for allergic reactions. Such foods may also cause a temporary increase in heart rate. The symptoms accompanying it may include skin rash, swelling of the tissues of the tongue or face and dizziness.
In many people, consumption of Chinese food is followed by Heart Palpitations, sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath and even sore throat. This collection of symptoms is called ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome ‘. It has been associated with a material called monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is a commonly used flavor-enhancer food additive. However, there is no significant scientific evidence to support the fact that MSG is indeed the causal agent.
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The next cause of Heart Palpitations After Eating is probably due to experiencing GERD. GERD is also often referred to as the rise of gastric acid characterized by pain and there is a burning sensation in the heart and chest to experience a heart beat fast enough after eating. We recommend to check with your doctor to know if you have GERD or not.
If you have a heart palpitations after eating, it may not be directly related to food, but it can also be influenced how you eat. Palpitations can be triggered by simple things like swallowing. For some people, standing up after sitting can also trigger palpitations. Palpitations can also be triggered by emotions. Heart palpitations can also be caused by what is lacking in the diet. Low potassium, low blood sugar, and dehydration can also be a factor related to heart pounding.
Tips for overcoming the Heart Palpitations After Eating
We all know about the cause of Heart Palpitations After Eating, now we will give you some important tips that you can do so that the heart palpitations that you feel is immediately resolved. Therefore, here is the tips for all of you:
- Do some checks, such as ECG, echocardiography, and also endoscopy.
- Keep a healthy lifestyle
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If you often feel Heart Palpitations After Eating, it is better to check this immediately with the doctor. Conditions can be a sign that something is not true, especially if accompanied by a problem of breath, sweating, confusion, dizziness, chest pain, pressure or tightness in the chest, upper back, arms, neck, or jaw.