Swine Flu is a disease caused by an infection of the H1N1 influenza virus. Swine Flu is so named because it initially occurs in pigs that infect humans. The subsequent transmission occurred between humans and caused a pandemic in 2009.
Swine Flu can be transmitted rapidly. The disease is contagious when a healthy person inhales a splash of respiratory fluid (droplet) sufferers during sneezing or coughing. New symptoms will be felt 1 – 4 days after contracting the swine flu virus. Swine Flu is more contagious in children, seniors, pregnant women, as well as people with weakened immune systems.
Swine Flu Origin
The first step in combating any disease is to understand its origins. Swine flu is named so because it primarily infects pigs. However, it can also affect humans, leading to sporadic outbreaks and even global pandemics.
On 5 February 1976, troops at Fort Dix, the United States expressed his fatigue and weakness, then died. The doctor expressed his death due to this virus as it did in 1918. The president, Gerald Ford, was asked to direct his people to be injected with the vaccine, but the plan was cancelled.
On August 20, 2007, the virus was infected with a citizen on the island of Luzon, Philippines.
Causes of Swine Flu
Swine Flu is caused by the Orthomyxoviridae virus, with the H1N1 virus subtype. As with any influenza virus in general, this virus attacks the nose, throat, and lung of the sufferer.
The transmission of this disease through direct contact from human to human. Media transmission can occur through coughing, sneezing or through objects that have been touched by sufferers. The vulnerability of a person to experience an infection depends on the status of immunity and prolonged contact with swine flu sufferers. The incubation period of the flu is 3 – 5 days.
Although the term swine flu is often associated with pig animals, the pork itself is known to be unable to be a medium for H1N1 virus transmission.
Swine Flu Risk Factors
There are some people who are quite susceptible to flu attacks, including the swine flu. Examples:
- Under the age of two or above 65 years old.
- Pregnant women.
- Suffer from chronic diseases, such as asthma, heart disorders, and diabetes.
- Have a weakened immune system, for example HIV.
- Have a profession as a medical worker, for example, doctors and nurses.
- Experiencing obesity.
Swine Flu Symptoms
According to the Center for Disease Monitoring and Prevention in the United States, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to influenza. Symptoms such as
- Fever,
- Cough,
- Pain in the esophagus,
- Pain in the body, head,
- Chills, and
- Weak lethargy.
- Some sufferers also report defecation and vomiting.
Swine Flu Diagnosis
To diagnose swine flu, the doctor will observe the symptoms that the patient is feeling. Starting from fever, muscle aches, cough, to shortness of breath. In addition, the doctor will also conduct a physical examination to determine the presence or absence of fever and respiratory problems.
After that, the doctor will also conduct a supporting examination to determine whether there is a swine flu virus in the patient’s body. The trick is to take a sample of bodily fluids (nose or throat).
Swine Flu Complications
Swine Flu that is not handled properly can cause some complications for the sufferer. E.g:
- Breath failure.
- Cause pneumonia.
- Cause neurological symptoms such as seizures.
- Exacerbate chronic diseases previously, such as asthma or heart disease.
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New swine flu in China
Chinese researchers found a new type of swine flu that could expand into a pandemic.
The findings were revealed by a research published by the PNAS of Science journal in the United States (USA).
The Virus that is named G4 genetically derives from the strains of H1N1 that cause pandemic in 2009.
The Virus has all the essential requirements for mutating and infecting humans.
How was this virus found?
From 2011-2018, researchers from China Agricultural University (CAU) took 30,000 nasal swab tests from pigs in the 10-slaughterhouses Chinese provinces, including animal hospitals.
The mass test managed to collect 179 types of swine flu.
The majority is a new type that has been dominant in pigs since 2016.
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