Common Rabbit Disease, Symptoms and Treatment – You’re a fan of animals including rabbits and want to keep them? Although its care is relatively easy, rabbits are quite susceptible to some diseases that can be deadly. You have to really make sure the intake of nutrients and nutritious food for rabbits so that the rabbits can grow healthy.
A lack of one’s food intake can make the rabbits experience too fast teeth growth and cause rabbits to be unable to eat and starve. Rabbit disease is also caused by several other factors such as the condition of the cage and the not clean environment, the weather and the animal itself.
Common Rabbit Disease
Scabies in Rabbits
Scabies in rabbit livestock are caused by mites (Darcoptes scabies). The part of the rabbit’s body that is often attacked by this disease is the edge of the ear.
Scabies in rabbits symptoms
- Symptoms of attack of Darcoptes scabies mites are noticeable with the onset of brown spots on the edges of the ears.
- These symptoms will usually spread around the eyes, nose and base of the toenails.
- The base of the toenails of the affected rabbit will swell and be reddish,
- If not treated immediately, scabies disease will spread throughout all parts of the rabbit’s body.
Scabies in rabbits treatment
- Maintaining the cleanliness of the rabbit cage and the surrounding environment,
- The infected rabbit is isolated so as not to be contagious in other rabbits,
- Smear the wounded part using sulfur ointment 2-3 times a day,
- Administration of wormectin by injecting on the under the skin of a sick rabbit (not until it enters the meat).
Ear disease due to the bite of a mite
The disease is commonly found among rabbits. Mites can spread easily to the surrounding rabbits. The main signs of the disease are clinically itchy, shaking head, and scratching. Red skin scales can be seen on the inside of the ear.
The disease is caused by the Pasteurella multocida bacteria which can cause respiratory infections, pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis and others. Transmission of these bacteria can be in direct contact or through contaminated air.
Symptoms that appear when rabbits suffer from this disease include rabbit sneezing and coughing, snot-like liquid in the rabbit’s nose, inflammation of the rabbit’s nose and rabbit eyes secreting fluid and accompanied by inflammation.
The way to deal with it is to isolate the sick rabbit into a wider cage with good air circulation. Then rabbits are injected with drugs such as Oxylin, Sulfa Strong or Penicilin.
Flatulence is a condition that threatens the life of rabbits, and causes abdominal pain, teeth chattering, salivation, extreme abdominal distension, which results in the accumulation of gas in the stomach, then depression, less excretion, convulsions, and even to death.
If the fermentation of bacteria in the appendix is disturbed, then the fiber is poorly digested and the intestine is less mobile. Then the intestines are pinched and eventually the stomach becomes bloated.
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Rabbit Fever: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complication, and Prevention
Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin that occurs chronic. This disease is caused by the accumulation of dirt on the skin, and lack of food in the form of forage.
Symptoms are hair loss, the onset of small nodules that can enlarge and when ruptured will become festering wounds, because it is coated with a hardened crust on the surface of the skin. The place is usually on the legs, around the eyes and ears.
How to treat it is to shave the hair and remove the scale, given sulfur ointment or 5% salicylic.
For its prevention, clean the cage from dirt and nutritious feeding.
Overgrown teeth
Did you know that rabbits have hypsodont type teeth that will constantly grow? Not only rabbits, but also guinea pigs and horses. Unlike humans who have brachydont-type teeth or short teeth. Rabbit teeth have a high crown as well as enamel extending past the gum line.
Usually, the rabbit will keep its teeth from growing long by chewing fibrous plants. This serves to scrape the front teeth so as not to grow too long.
As owners, we can ask the help of a veterinarian to cut his teeth. If left unchecked, it can trigger other problems, such as loss of appetite, trauma to the gums and mouth and death.
Thank you very much for reading Common Rabbit Disease, Symptoms and Treatment, hopefully useful.