| How to cure bursitis – Bursitis is the inflammation or swelling of the bag of fluid, i.e. the organ that is located under the skin or usually above the joint, which serves as a cushion between bones and tendons.
This fluid sac, also known as the Bursa. All parts of the body can be affected by bursitis, but generally this happens in the hips, knees, elbows, and shoulders.
The main symptom of bursitis is pain and flushed skin color in the areas that are experiencing inflammation. This pain usually worsens when the body is moving or having pressure. In addition to the pain, the area affected by bursitis will also feel stiff and swollen.
What causes bursitis?
Factors that often lead to the occurrence of bursitis is injury due to repetitive motion on muscles, joints, and tendons around the bursa. For example, repeatedly bend and straighten the elbow, lifting the burden of risk on the shoulders, walking or running is risk at the ankles, and knees or elbows resting on a hard surface.
In addition, repetitive motion, injuries can also occur due to a fall or a clash. When an injury, then bursa network in it are at risk of irritation that continues with inflammation and swelling.
Bursa can also inflame due to a bacterial infection. This condition usually occurs in people whose immune system is low, for example, due to HIV/AIDS disease, renal disorders, diabetes, and the side effects of chemotherapy.
How to cure bursitis
Bursitis treatment.
Most cases of bursitis don’t need to be hospitalized and can be cured through self treatment at home. The time period for the disease is recovered depends on the cause and location of the occurrence of inflammation. Generally the symptoms of pain can disappear in a few weeks, but for the swelling usually takes longer.
To relieve the pain, you could be taking any medication, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. To relieve the swelling, you could be taking naproxen or diclofenac. Both of these drugs are nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
In addition to medications, there are actually several simple ways that can be done to relieve swelling, those are:
- Attaching an ice bag on the area of bursitis for 10-20 minutes, which is repeated every few hours.
- Don’t stand too long if Your bursitis occurs at the hip, knee, or ankle.
- Support the affected part of bursitis while you sleep, such as pads, to help reduce inflammation.
- If the bursitis occurs on one side of the body, avoid the side sleeping position on the surface of the mattress regarding direct part.
- Use protective tools on a swollen joints to avoid the second injury that can aggravate the condition, such as knee protectors.
- In the case of bursitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, and flucloxacillin.
It is important to follow the instructions from your doctor about the use of antibiotics or pain relief drugs so that treatment can be effective, as well as to avoid the recurrence of bursitis and the emergence of unwanted side effects.
Severe bursitis treatment
In the case of bursitis that belongs to severe, some actions that can be performed by doctors, among them:
- Giving a corticosteroid injection. Corticosteroid is a hormone that can relieve inflammation. This medication is usually given if bursitis can no longer be dealt with regular treatment into the inflamed area more than three times within one year. In addition, this method cannot be applied to cases of septic bursitis or bursitis caused by bacterial infection.
- Aspiration. This is a method of suctioning bursa fluid that aims to reduce pain and restore joint movement capabilities.
- Surgical removal of the bursa. This procedure is usually performed on septic bursa that resistant to antibiotic treatment.
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