Cough-variant asthma (CVA) is a type of asthma whose main symptoms are dry cough and not phlegm. Cough without phlegm means there is no mucus in the throat. The person with the CVA does not usually have asthma symptoms, such as wheezing, shornesst of breath, and tightness in the chest. CVA is a common diagnosis in children, and usually continues into asthma afterward.
Causes of Cough variant asthma.
CVA may occur after exposure to an allergen or sinusitis. Causes of cough variant asthma are not completely understood.
However, often appear after:
- Exposure to an allergen
- Breathe in the cold air of the upper respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis
- Began taking beta blockers, a type of drugs that treat high blood pressure, heart disease, and migraine
- Taking aspirin
There is a clear relationship between asthma and allergies. As many as 80 percent of all asthmatics also have nasal allergies. Because allergies are a result of immune systems that overreact to a substance which should not cause a normal reaction, there may be an immunological connection with cough variant asthma as well.
Symptoms of cough-variant asthma.
CVA sometimes called chronic cough due to can last up to 6-8 weeks. Cough accompanied by asthma can appear either in the morning or evening. If you have asthma at night, it will disrupt your sleep. People with CVA is usually realized that the cough increase over activity, called exercise-induced asthma. A cough may be increased during the exposed to trigger asthma or allergic substances, such as dust, or a sharp scent, or when in the cold air.
Diagnose Cough variant asthma.
The cough is the only symptoms that are difficult to diagnose as having cough variant asthma. This can be misinterpreted as lung diseases such as bronchitis or post nasal drip syndrome caused by allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and nasal polyps.
Regular examination by your physician may not disclose this type of asthma. Even a spirometry test that measures the amount of air exhaled after deep breathing and chest x-ray will become normal.
Methacholine challenge test is a test that really reveals the presence of cough variant asthma. In this test, you will be asked to inhale a large amount of methacholine mist. If you suffer from asthma, your airways will be narrowed and this will be revealed through a spirometry test where you blow away the amount of air is reduced. If you have no cough variant asthma, airway will remain normal.
Treatment of cough-variant asthma.
Care for a CVA is actually the same as regular asthma, inhaled steroids every day or two days for daily control, plus a short-acting bronchodilator as a rescue inhaler when symptoms appear. You usually see gradual progress in asthma symptoms after a 6-8 week.
Some people find that using a CVA with inhalers actually stimulate the reflex of coughing. If that happens, the consumption of oral steroids such as Prednisone must be consumed for a little over a week, then steroids inhaler can be retried. Another type of asthma treatment called leukotriene modifiers can also be useful to address the CVA.
In addition, like other types of asthma, people with CVA should keep themselves by avoiding things that cause a cough to appear. Common triggers of CVA is cold air, allergen, and exercise.
Natural remedies for cough variant asthma.
Below are natural remedies for cough variant asthma.
Salt water.
Salt water is a good natural remedy to reduce the irritation in the throat that accompanies a constant cough. Warm salt water also improves the healing of inflamed airways.
- Add 1 teaspoon salt to 1 cup of warm water.
- Stir until the salt is mixed properly.
- Gargle with water 2 or 3 times a day.
Oregano is another effective remedy for treating dry cough, one of which is VCA coughing. This herb contains antibacterial, antispasmodic and expectorant that helps clear mucus from the lungs which reduces dry cough.
Drink 2 to 3 cups of oregano tea on a daily basis.
How making it :
Brew 3 teaspoons oregano into the cup of hot water for five to ten minutes, strain, then add honey to taste and then drink.