| What Is The Feeling of Emptiness? In life, there are various problems and events that are not heart-wrenching. All the events and people that come and go sometimes even make us bored. Boredom and loneliness can come at any time.
You know boredom, sad, angry, happy, but What Is The Feeling of Emptiness? A sudden feeling you feel when you’re alone, with other people, or when you’re busy. The feeling hangs inside you, but you don’t understand the feeling.
So, What Is The Feeling of Emptiness?
What is the feeling of emptiness?
Feeling empty is an empty feeling that sometimes you can’t explain. It’s usually accompanied by feelings of sadness, loneliness, moodiness, and boredom—or no other feelings at all. Just empty.
Feelings are real and exist. You can feel it when you’re tired, having problems, or you’re used to ignoring your own feelings.
Causes of Feeling Empty
That empty feeling can last for a few days or just go away on its own. However, you shouldn’t let that empty feeling fill you up too often. So, what is the reason someone feels empty or empty?
Lack of Sleep
Sleep is an activity that is beneficial to our physical and mental well-being. When our sleep is disturbed or rarely sleeps, not only the physical will show signs of fatigue, but also our mentality.
Research from Harvard states that feeling empty is related to sleep quality, when a person lacks sleep, he is more likely to experience a feeling of emptiness. So, don’t stay up too late, guys!
Have you ever been so busy with an activity that you didn’t take care of yourself? For example, you are busy taking care of events at the office from morning to night without eating regularly, not resting, so that external things pull you away from yourself.
You become insensitive to what your body and mind needs. Well, when you are tired, an empty feeling can come your way. Because that feeling is a reminder that you are too busy with the outside world. Remember, it is you who live life, don’t forget to take care of yourself!
Boredom is one of the causes of feeling empty. When the holidays are spent with the same things, like watching television, playing games, and so on, a feeling of emptiness usually comes. The empty feeling that comes when we’re bored is usually because we don’t know how to please ourselves or we miss being with other people.
If you’re bored, it’s good to do something new. Or you can go outside to meet people.
Related post: 10 Causes of Crying For No Reason
That’s an explanation of What Is The Feeling of Emptiness?. If you feel empty, you can share your feelings with someone else or try to get to know them more deeply. However, if that feeling is already interfering with your daily life, it’s better you immediately contact a professional, OK!
It’s okay to seek help when you’re feeling empty, you know! Because they are not trivial feelings, your feelings are important and real. Spirit!