| What Is Shingles: Definition and Symptoms – The shingles are the manifestation of a reactivation of the chicken pox virus, most commonly in older persons over 50 years of age. It is characterized by the appearance of vesicles on the skin, sometimes trying. Usually benign, this localized infection can be disabling due to its complications, in particular pain which can persist after the eruption. The treatments of shingles aim to relieve pain and prevent it from becoming chronic.
What is shingles?
The shingles is an infection that can affect anyone who has had chickenpox. It is due to the reactivation of chickenpox virus, hitherto dormant in the lymph nodes nerves along the spine. Usually benign, the shingles can have severe forms in ingles people. In the vast majority of cases, people affected by shingles will only experience one episode in their lifetime, but in 1% of cases, one or more other episodes may occur.
What are the symptoms of shingles?
The symptoms of shingles vary depending on the nerve affected. Most often, this innervates only one side of the ribs or belly. In this area, the skin becomes more sensitive to friction, with a burning sensation. Within 1-2 days, pimples containing a little clear liquid appear. They dry up and become covered with scabs which fall off after about ten days. The infected area remains painful for 3 to 4 weeks. In some cases, these pains persist for several months.
Are shingles a common disease?
In France, about 90% of people host the chickenpox virus in a nerve ganglion. The reactivation of this virus cause of shingles is observed in about 20% of these people, most often after the age of 50 or when the immune system is weakened.
Attention, risk of transmission of chickenpox! |
The clear liquid present in the vesicles of the shingles contains chickenpox-shingles virus. After cleaning these vesicles, it is better to wash your hands to avoid contaminating a person who has never had chickenpox. These precautions are particularly important when dealing with a pregnant woman, a newborn or a person whose immune system is weakened by disease or treatment. People who have had chickenpox in the past are not at risk. |
This article, intended for the general public and written by a scientific editor, reflects the state of knowledge on the subject treated at its date of update. Subsequent developments in scientific knowledge may make it in any or part void. It is not intended to replace the recommendations and the recommendations of your doctor or pharmacist.
- Image: James Heilman, MD, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
- Video: National Institute on Aging