All animals and humans start from embryos. The ovum that is successfully fertilized by spe**rm will develop an embryo and then born a beautiful human baby as well as adorable baby animals. So, What is an Embryo?
What is an Embryo?
The embryo is a multi-cell diploid eukaryotes in the earliest stages of development.
In organisms that reproduce se**xually, when a single spe**rm cell fertilizes an ovum, the result is a single cell called Zygote that has all the DNA of both parents. In plants, animals, and some protists, the zygote will begin to divide by mitosis to produce multicellular organisms. The result of this process is called an embryo.
In humans, an embryo is formed between the ages of 3-5 weeks of pregnancy and the design of the shape of the body has been seen.
Read also: 2 Weeks Pregnant: Characteristics, Symptoms, Signs, and Fetal Development.
In animals, the development of the zygote into embryos occurs through stages known as Blastula, Gastrula, and Organogenesis.
However, not many know how the babies exist when they are still embryos.
Embryos in animals usually show every stage of pre-birth development, including in the uterus or ovum. Plant embryos can take a number of different forms, although they are usually wrapped in seeds.
After knowing what is an embryo, let’s discuss about the formation of the embryo.
The term “embryo” is used only to refer to “eukaryotes” or multicell organisms. Typically, people use special terms to call diploid eukaryotes, which have a complete set of genetic material from two donors. This genetic material takes the form of haploid spe**rm and eggs; The haploid cells contain only half of the chromosome set, which means that it cannot develop into something unless combined with one another.
Embryo development in humans.
Early human development due to smelting or meeting of spe**rm cells with egg or ovum, so that the occurrence of fertilization in the womb. Fertilization will generate a zygote cell or a new individual cell. Then, Zygote will do a cell division to develop a development and also growth to become an embryo. Here are several stages of embryo development.
- Morula Phase.
- Blastula phase.
- Gastrula phase.
In addition, the development of embryos in humans also has three phases, including:
- The pre embryonic stage, at this stage is similar to that of the Morula, which is the process of cell division in the uterus after fertilization of the ovum or egg cells.
- Embryonic stages, at this stage the cell division will continue to develop to perfection, so it is no longer called zygote but an embryo. This is the same as the blastula phase of the next development of cell division.
- Stages of the fetus. At this stage of embryos look like human form, this stage of development will continue until the process of birth processes.
Division of Embryo Layer Types.
Based on the gastrulation process, embryos are differentiated into three types of tissues:
Task to form skin cells and nervous system.
Responsible for developing connective tissue, circulatory system, muscles, and bones.
Task to form the digestive system, lungs, and urinary system.
Embryo and fetus differences.
- Embryos are the name given to the creature from conception until the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. While from 8 weeks onwards until the day of birth was a fetus, not an embryo.
- The fetus has all internal organs while embryos are still developing.
- The fetus begins to form the foot to acquire the entire infant form, whereas the embryo has defined all body parts.
- The formation of embryos occurs when the egg and spe**rm are met while the fetal phase occurs after the embryo phase.
- The embryonic period may be referred to as a baby’s foundation (prospective fetus) while the fetus can be called a baby candidate.
- Embryos can be seen using a microscope while the fetus can be seen in the womb through ultrasound machine.
Thank you very much for reading What is an Embryo? The definition, formation, development, and division of the embryo.