Taxonomic Terms: Definition, Levels, and Examples – Currently we will talk about Taxonomy, On the basis of classification of living beings among them is using a taxonomic system. They are named after them, and they are placed in a group based on the observations of their characteristics.
The figure who was asked as the Father of Taxonomy is Carolus Linnaeus. He was a figure in laying the foundation of classification and designing the naming system we know as Binomial Nomenclature.
Taxonomic Terms and Definitions
Taxonomy is a branch of biology that studies naming, detailing, and also grouping living beings based on equations as well as differentiation of their nature. The name of the classification group is called taxon. The science that learns about grouping ordinances is called taxonomy.
The lowest and most specific taxons are species, while the highest and also more inclusive taxons are kingdoms. The level of the kingdom until the species is determined based on the equation of the most common traits of living beings to the most specific traits.
Taxa have been standardized around the world, by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature as well as the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature.
Taxon Level
In the classification system, living beings are grouped into large groups and then these large groups are divided into small groups. These small groups are then further divided into smaller groups, so that in the end small groups are formed, consisting of only one type of living being. These levels of grouping are called taxons.
Taxonomy has been standardized worldwide under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature. Taxon sequences include:
- Domain
- Kingdom
- Divisio
- Classic
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species.
The domain in the scientific classification of biology is the highest level in the taxon that is above the kingdom.
The Kingdom is the highest level of taxon of living beings. Most Biologists agree that living things in this world are grouped into 5 kingdoms (proposed by Robert Whittaker in 1969). The five kingdoms are: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
Phylum / Divisio (large family).
The name, phylum is used in the animal world, and the division name is used on plants. Phylum or division consists of organisms that have one or two characteristic equations. The name, phylum does not have a typical sing while division names generally have distinctive sings, such as phyta and mycota.
Taxon groups that are one level lower than phylum or division.
Each class consists of several orders. In the plant world, the name of the order is generally given the suffix ales.
Family is the taxon level under the order. The family name of the plant is usually given the suffix aceae, while for the animals it is usually named idea.
The genus is a taxon lower than family. The genus name consists of one word, the first letter is written in capital, and all letters in the word are italicized or distinguished from other letters.
Species are a group of organisms that can perform interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Some taxa have a very large and complicated size. This can be addressed by subdivision groups, such as subfilum and subclasses.
Taxonomic example
- Humans: Homo sapiens
- Chicken: Gallus gallus
- Rice: Oryza sativa
- Pet dog: Canis domestica.
- Melinjo: Gnetum gnemon.
- Poaceae family: Genus Zea (maize), Saccarum (sugar cane), Triricum (wheat), and also Oryza (grains)
- Solanaceae
- Cucurbetaceae
- Rosaceae
- Asteraceae
- Poaceae
- Malvaceae.
- Galliformes> Gallidae> chickens
- Columbiformes> Columbidae> doves
- Passerieformes> Passeridae> parrots, walnuts, wren
- Psitaciformes> Psitaccidae> parrots and parakeets
- Casuariformes> Casuaridae> Cassowaries
- Falconiformes> Falconidae> eagles and hawks.
- Porifera = Porous animals
- Coelenterata = Hollow animal
- Platyhelminthes = Flatworm
- Nemathelminthes = Roundworm
- Annelida = ringed worms or segmented worms
- Mollusca = Soft-bodied animals
- Arthropods = Animal with a segment
- Echinodermata = Thorn-skinned animals
- Chordata = An animal that has a body cord or chorda dorsalis.
- Plantae
- Animalia
- Fungi
- Protista
- Oryza sativa var. indica (Rice)
- Zea mays L, var tunicata (Corn).
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