Mosquitoes are a vector of well-known diseases such as Dengue virus, Malaria, Zika, West Nile, Chikungunya and several other types of diseases that can make people sick. Then, Can Mosquitoes Spread COVID 19 virus?
Is Diarrhea a Symptom of Coronavirus? 3 Explanations
The corona Virus that causes the Covid-19 disease has three main symptoms: fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. However, Is Diarrhea a Symptom of Corona Virus?
Coronavirus Mutation: More Than 30 Types
Chinese scientists, Li Lanjuan have warned the ability of a new type Coronavirus mutation, SARS-CoV-2, which may have made a distinct impact on the Covid-19 disease around the world.
4 Types Mask For Coronavirus and How To Use It
Using masks is recommended for people traveling to anticipate the transmission of Coronaviruses. This Virus is found in the saliva splashes of sick people when he sneezes, coughs, or even talks. Transmission occurs when the drooling of the saliva inhaled by others around. Here are The Types Mask For Coronavirus and How To Use It
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Symptoms, Facts, Spread, Prevention, and Weaknesses [Update News & Info]
The number of deaths caused by this virus, although some are recovered, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the outbreak as an international emergency health case. Here are the facts, symptoms, and how to prevent coronavirus