Having a healthy body is definitely everyone’s dream. This dream can be realized by implementing a healthy lifestyle. One of the easiest healthy lifestyles to implement is consuming nutritious and nutrient-rich foods. Nutritious food is actually very easy to find because it is around you.
However, there are still some people, including you who are lazy to consume this food and prefer junk or fast food. Well, in order for your awareness of the importance of nutritious food consumption to increase, then the definition, types, classifications, and functions of nutrition need to be known.
Nutrition definition
Nutrition is the content of substances in healthy foods that serve to help the growth and development of organs optimally. Nutrition itself is often referred to by many people with nutritional terms. The way of obtaining nutrients is through the breakdown of food juices by the digestive system. Nutrition can be classified into two groups, namely micronutrient and macronutrient.
Nutrition definition According To Experts
To be able to understand the understanding of nutrition more deeply, then we can refer to some opinions of experts, including the following:
- This nutrient is the process of taking essential food substances (Nuwer, 2008).
- This nutrient is an organic substance that the organism needs as a normal function of the body’s system, growth as well as health maintenance (Wikipedia, 2008).
- This nutrient is different from food, food is everything we eat while for nutrition is what is contained in the food (Uri, 2008).
- The sum of all interactions between organisms and the food they consume (Cristian and Gregar 1985).
- According to Rock CL (2004), nutrition is the process by which the human body uses food to form energy, maintain health, growth and for the normal functioning of each organ between nutrient intake and nutritional needs.
Nutrition Types
Below are the types of nutrients as follows
Micronutrient is a small amount of nutrients needed by the body and also only has a function to be able to support the metabolism of the body. There are three compounds that can be categorized as nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and water.
Macronutrient is a nutrient that the body needs in large quantities due to being a source of energy. Macronutrients are classified into three compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Nutrition Classification
There are several kinds of nutrients in general, here’s an explanation.
Carbohydrates are your main source of energy in going about every daily activity. Your body will use carbohydrates to produce glucose that can be used immediately or store it as an energy reserve. The amount of glucose produced in excess will be stored by your body as fat.
There are two types of carbohydrates that are beneficial to the body, namely simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates can be found in sugar, while complex carbohydrates are found in starch and fiber. In addition, you can also consume rice, corn, wheat, cassava, yams, potatoes, and sago as a source of carbohydrates.
Protein is very beneficial for your body to help build and maintain muscle tissue as well as other nerves. This compound also serves to produce hormones that are useful for the body. As with carbohydrates, the excess of protein consumption will be stored by the body in the form of fat.
According to the source, proteins can be distinguished into vegetables and animals. Types of vegetable proteins that can be consumed include nuts, grains and vegetables. Meanwhile, the consumption of animal protein can be fulfilled from animal meat. However, the consumption of protein in the form of meat should also be done adequately to minimize the risk of developing cholesterol.
Other types of nutrients needed by your body are fats, both saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are the safest type of fat for your consumption. Although basically unsaturated fats can also turn into saturated fats when the refinement process is carried out.
Unsaturated fatty foods that can be consumed are coconut, hazelnut, olives, peanuts and avocados. Then, saturated fats that can be consumed, for example, meat, eggs, milk, fish, butter and fish oil. However, excessive consumption of saturated fats is strongly discouraged because it has the potential to increase cholesterol levels.
Your body also needs this type of nutrient to help the body’s metabolism, increase energy and help smooth thinking. Each vitamin you consume certainly has different benefits for the body. There are even some vitamins that are efficacious to minimize the risk of developing certain diseases.
An example is the use of vitamins A, vitamin C and E that help prevent coronary artery disease, where all three continue to strengthen the walls of the arteries. Furthermore, vitamin B1 is useful to smooth your digestive system and nerves.
Vitamin B2 helps normalize cell growth. Vitamin B3 serves as a detoxification of your body. Then, vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and vitamin K can clot the blood.
Minerals and other trace elements
The body also needs a supply of nutrients derived from minerals and other trace elements. Both are useful in helping to smooth the work of the body’s organs. Chlorine minerals, for example that can help produce your body’s digestive fluids. Then, phosphorus can make your bones stronger.
Both minerals can be found in the food consumed, but as a result of trace elements the body only needs it in small quantities. The last nutrient that your body also needs is salt. However, in consuming nutrients this one should not exceed 2400 milligrams per day because it can increase blood pressure.
The presence of water as one of the nutrients in the body is clearly so important. Water serves as a substitute for body fluids that are lost after performing daily routines. In addition, water can also control the number of calories, facilitate kidney function, increase energy to remove toxins.
Nutrition Functions
The functions of Nutrition are:
- Energy sources
- Supporting and regulating metabolic processes
- Maintain metabolic balance
- Shaper body tissue cells
- Repair damaged cells
- Maintaining the function of body organs, etc.
Nutrition Benefits
Below are the benefits of nutrition, including the following:
Boosting the Immune System
Decreased immunity can cause mild symptoms such as flu/ fever. The way to increase it is to consume a healthy food intake and can also consume vitamin C produced from various types of foods such as vegetables and fruits, which can be a natural supplement.
Helps Maintain Weight
This weight can also be maintained if you consume healthy food. If only focus on good nutrition, namely by consuming vegetables, protein and fruit unconsciously can keep the body from disease. It also makes the weight more controlled.
Protecting Bones And Teeth
Bones and teeth remain strong, even though the age has reached 60-70 years. This happens when you pay attention to the nutrients that enter the body. Milk with cheese and yogurt that is high in calcium can help bones and teeth become healthy and strong.
Energy and Vitality for Life
With everyday activities, there must be many problems, which can expend great energy. But the more an age a person, the energy that exists will also decrease. The way to maintain it is to consume healthy food and also accompanied by regular exercise until the fulfillment of energy is achieved.
Slowing Aging
What everyone is looking forward to is slowing down premature aging. There are many people who want to look young, but do not regulate diet and nutrition in their bodies. The trick is to regulate diet and exercise regularly.