Norms are rules that apply to people that contain orders, prohibitions and sanctions between people in a group of people.
Norms usually apply in a community environment. The rules of the norm are not in written form, but conscious society adheres to them.
Every society must adhere to the prevailing norms in the community environment.
Norms definition
The norm itself comes from the Dutch word ‘norm’ which means benchmark, guideline, or subject of the rules. The understanding of norms is a rule that becomes a guideline, a guideline for a person in acting or not, as well as acting in life in a society, such as norms of decency, legal norms, and religious norms.
The norm is a rule or provision that binds the citizens of the group in the community.
Where as a guide, order, and control of appropriate and grateful behavior.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2015), norms are also called social norms, rules or standards of conduct shared by members of social groups.
Norms can be internalized, i.e. Incorporated into individuals so that there is compliance without rewards or external penalties.
They can be enforced with positive or negative sanctions from outside.
Norms are more specific than values or ideals. Honesty is a common value, but rules that define honest behavior in certain situations are the norm.
There are two schools of thought about why people conform to norms. The functionalist school of sociology states that norms reflect consensus, a shared value system developed through socialization.
Meanwhile, conflict schools argue that norms are mechanisms for addressing recurring social problems.
Norms Definition According To Experts
To understand it more clearly, let’s look at the opinions of experts on the norms definition. The following is the norms definition according to some experts:
John J. Macionis
John J. Macionis gave the understanding that norms are the rules and expectations of society that guide the behavior of its members.
Broom and Selznick
Broom and Selznick define the notion of norms as an ideal design of human behavior that provides boundaries for members of society to achieve their purpose in life.
Antony Giddens
Antony Giddens, meanwhile, argues that the notion of norms is a concrete principle or rule, which should be considered by society.
Craig Calhoun
And according to Craig Calhoun, the definition of norms is guidelines or rules that state how a person should act in certain situations.
Kinds of Norms
Various norms are divided into two based on their nature, namely formal and non-formal norms. Here’s the review:
Formal Norms
Formal norms are provisions and rules in public life and are created by institutions of an official or formal nature. This norm is created by formal institutions such as presidential orders, government regulations, constitutions and so on.
Non-formal Norms
Non-formal norms are provisions and rules in public life that are unknown about who and how to explain the norm. This norm is usually not written, but society consciously does it like a habit that exists within a sphere of people’s lives.
Types of Norms
In public life there, are at least 4 kinds of norms that must be adhered to together, namely religious norms, norms of decency, norms of morality, and norms of law.
Religious Norms
Norms of Religious are rules of life that are accepted as commandments, prohibitions, and teachings that come from God and are absolute. The implementation of this religious norm is also autonomous, meaning it is free for each individual according to his or her beliefs. Where, for those who do so shall be rewarded, otherwise if they transgress, then will get the sin.
Norms of Politeness
Norms of politeness are norms related to human association in daily life. Established social rules lead to the way a person behaves reasonably in people’s lives, where in this norm always prioritize the principles of appropriateness, propriety, and habits that should apply in people’s lives.
Norms of Decency
Norms of decency are social rules derived from the voice of the human conscience. By obeying the norms of decency, one is trained to distinguish good and bad so as to prevent society from despicable deeds.
Legal Norms
The legal norm is a regulation at the level of human practice in public relations and it is made by official state agencies. Legal norms govern and force with the aim of creating justice in the lives of people, nations, and state.
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