For babies, the slightest health disorder can trigger worries. One of these is a frequent baby vomiting. Look at this possibility as a symptom of Newborn Acid Reflux disorders.
Babies often vomit is one of the usual things, especially after breastfeeding. Most do not require any action. But if the baby vomit accompanied by fussy, shortness of breath, often vomiting so the growth is impaired, or make weight does not increase, there is a chance that newborn experiencing stomach acid disorders.
What is GERD?
GERD or reflux of gastric acid occurs when the contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus. Esophageal is the channel that carries food from the throat to the stomach.
At the base of the esophageal, which connects to the stomach, there are muscle rings that are usually open when swallowing. These muscle rings are known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When the LES does not close completely, the content of the stomach and the digestive fluid will return to esophageal.
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Stomach acid reflux causes babies often vomit
If babies often vomit, especially after every meal, it needs to be explored further. Infants have the possibility of experiencing gastric acid or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Reflux occurs when the muscle circles between the esophagus and the stomach do not function optimally, so the stomach acid and the food from the stomach back into the esophagus.
Generally, this occurs because the function of a muscular ring that functions like a valve on the throat of the lower part of the infant’s body has not been perfect.
The good news, the valve will usually work perfectly from the age of 4-5 months to the age of one. At that time, the vomiting experienced by the baby would cease. Babies experiencing reflux can also be caused by a small size of the stomach, so it is easy to fully fill.
Newborn Acid Reflux Symptoms

You need to recognize some of the following acid reflux signs that occur in the baby:
- Your baby always vomits up the milk he has drunk.
- The vomit spurts in excessive amounts, which makes you worried about whether there is nothing left in the stomach.
- Regardless of the problem of vomiting, your baby seems fine, comfortable, and the weight increases.
- Try to vomit by inserting a hand or finger into his mouth.
- Sometimes, there is a slight blood in the vomit. This is due to gastric acid that injure the lining of the digestive tract.. If this is the case, consult a physician immediately.
- Babies look very hungry at the beginning, but only the spirit of breastfeeding for 15 or 20 minutes.
- Bend and stretch his back.
- Irritability while breastfeeding
- Often hiccups.
- Cough and present symptoms of pneumonia. (Learn about GERD and Coughing: Correlation, Causes, and How To Prevent It)
- Chest pain.
- Difficult to chew and hard to swallow.
- His sleep was disturbed.
- Children often cry, shout, or easy emotions.
- Looks in pain, for example, complained about his back.
- Hoarseny Sound.
- The child has trouble sleeping, which is a cat-style sleep or a break with short-duration, difficult to find a comfortable sleep position, often waking up at night, and easily waking up because of the voices around him.
- Breathing problems, whether it’s choking, coughing, or getting a chest infection.
- The child’s weight is up or down unexpectedly.
- The child has had an ear, sinus, or throat infection.
- A lot of saliva discharge.
Newborn Acid Reflux Handling
If the doctor has already diagnosed your child is affected by GERD, then there are some strategies that can you apply to help the baby heal.
If the symptoms of Newborn Acid Reflux are worsened or sustained, the doctor will usually advise the treatment of medicines. Alternatively, the doctor will refer to you to find pediatric gastroenterologist or pediatrician with a digestive problem specialist for further assessment.
Feel free to ask the doctor if you have other complaints. Every concern from you, must be considered a doctor in making a diagnosis. Well, while waiting for the drug from the doctor, here are the simple things that you can do at home with the newborn:
Placing the baby in an upright position
After you feed the baby, you must make sure the baby is in an upright position for at least 30 minutes. This will help the gravity pull food and milk down and prevent GERD. Avoid putting your baby to sleep on his back. Your baby takes time to digest. Flat laying will complicate food or empty milk from the stomach.
Another suggestion is to change your baby’s diaper before breastfeeding. The reason is to avoid your baby lying like lifting your legs during diaper change. It can make all the food and milk back into the esophagus.
Other treatments
- Keep the child from tobacco smoke exposure.
- Don’t move your baby’s body too often.
- The best time putting the baby on a flat surface is when the stomach is empty or before it starts breastfeeding.
- Avoid wearing tight clothes in the area around the abdomen, such as diapers that are too strict with elastic belts.
- Try to keep your baby awake every after the breastfeeding session.
- Raise the position of the baby’s head in bed at least 30 degrees.
Read also: How to cure acid reflux?
Thank you very much for reading Newborn Acid Reflux: Causes, Symptoms, and Handling, hopefully useful.