Naloxone Definition, Functions, Benefits, and Dosage – Naloxone is a drug used for the emergency treatment of narco**tics that has been known or suspected of overdose. Symptoms of a serious overdose may include unusual drowsiness, unusual difficulty waking up, or breathing problems (gradually ranging from slow / short breathing to not being able to breathe).
Other symptoms of an overdose may include very small categories such as pupil spots, slow heart rate, or low blood pressure. If a person has serious overdose symptoms, but you are not sure if he or she has overdosed, give this drug immediately, since slow / short breathing can cause permanent damage to the brain or death.
Naloxone Definition
Naloxone is a generic drug, a drug used for patients suspected of opioid dependence. Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist that works competitively on opioid receptors.
Naloxone Functions and Benefits
The function of the Naloxone drug is blocking the effects of narco**tics on the brain. While the benefits of the Naloxone drug are to treat, control and prevent drug overdose conditions, alco**hol poisoning, reverse respiratory depression, neonatal asphyxia, mor**phine antidote, and increase blood pressure.
Once you know what naloxone definition, functions, and benefits, you should also know the indications and dosage of Naloxone. The information below will make you better understand the use of one of these narco**tic antidote drugs.
Naloxone dosage and Older persons Indication
For reversal of opioid effects
- 0.4-4 mg IV/IM/SC; repeat every 2-3 minutes; not exceed 10 mg (0.01 mg/kg)
- Consider other causes of respiratory depression if the desired response is not achieved after the amount of 0.8 mg
- Endotracheal: 2-2.5 times (0.8-1 mg) initial IV dose
- For chronic opioid abuse, use the smallest dose (0,1-0,2 mg) and titration for respiratory depression reversal
Continuous IV infusion
- For use in patients exposed to opioid work in the long term (e.g., methadone), sustained release products
- Calculate dosage per hour based on the effective intermittent dosage used and adequate response duration
- Alternatively, use two-thirds of the initial dose of effective naloxone bolus per hour (0.25-6.25 mg/h); manage one-half of the initial bolus dose 15 minutes after starting a continuous IV infusion to prevent a decrease in naloxone levels.
Opioid Overdose (Evzio Auto-Injector)
- Indicated for immediate administration as an emergency treatment when it is known or suspected of an opioid overdose, as manifested by breathing and/or central nervous system depression
- 0.4 mg IM/SC to anterolateral thighs (through clothing if necessary)
- Seek emergency medical care as soon as it is used
- Additional doses can be administered every 2-3 minutes until assistance arrives.
Dosage Considerations (Evzio)
- Take-home, disposable auto-injector with visual and voice instruction guidance
- May be prescribed to family members or caregivers
- Intended for immediate administration as an emergency therapy in opioid management
- Not a substitute for emergency medical care
Naloxone Dosage and Indications for Children
For reversal of the effects of opioids
Post anesthesia (acute)
- Neonates: 0.01 mg / kg IV into the umbilical vein / IM / SC; give a subsequent dose of 0.1 mg / kg if needed
- Children: 0.01 mg / kg IV x1; maybe repeat with 0.1 mg / kg.
Opioid therapeutic doses
- 0.00-0.015 mg / kg / dose IV / IM / SC / ET; can be repeated if necessary.
Acute opioid overdose
- Weight <20 kg or <5 years: 0.1 mg / kg / dose IV / IM / SC / ET; if needed, repeat every 2-3 minutes if needed; not to exceed 2 mg / dose
- Weight> 20 kg or> 5 years: 2 mg IV / IM / SC / ET; if needed, repeat every 2-3 minutes if needed.
Opioid Overdose (Evzio Auto-Injector)
- Indicated for immediate administration as an emergency treatment known or suspected opioid overdose, as manifested by respiratory symptoms and/or central nervous system depression
- 0.4 mg IM/SC to anterolateral thighs (through clothing if necessary); if the child is <1 year old, pinch the thigh muscle while the dose is administered
- Seek emergency medical care as soon as it is used
- Additional doses can be administered every 2-3 minutes until assistance arrives.
Dosage Considerations (Evzio)
- Take-home, disposable auto-injector with visual and voice instruction guidance
- May be prescribed to family members or caregivers
- Intended for immediate administration as an emergency therapy in opioid management
- Not a substitute for emergency medical care.
The information regarding naloxone above is preliminary information regarding the use of naloxone drugs to treat substance abuse sufferers. Of course, Naloxone should be consumed according to dosage and recommended indications.
Thank you very much for reading Naloxone Definition, Functions, Benefits, and Dosage, hopefully useful.