A lumbar puncture is a procedure for taking spinal fluid and brain fluid. Here are The Indication, Precautions, Preparation, Procedure, Side Effects, & Recovery
Wood’s Lamp Examination, Procedure to Check Skin Condition
Wood’s lamp is a device that emits purple UV light. What is Wood’s Lamp Examination? Here are The Definition, Required Conditions, and other inportant things
Epithelial Cells in Urine: Normal Levels, Characteristics, and Is It Dangerous?
What does mean The Epithelial Cells in Urine? Is it Dangerous? Here are The Normal Levels, and Characteristics based on its cause…
Blood Cultures: Definition, Indications, and 10 Reasons Why It’s Needed
Blood culture is a diagnostic examination method to detect the presence of microorganisms in the blood. Here are The Blood Cultures Definition, Indications, and Reasons Why It’s Needed
What Is Genetic Testing: Definition, 7 Types, and Benefits
Genetic testing is often also known as DNA tests. DNA is a nuclear acid that stores all the information about genetics. What Is Genetic Testing? Here are The Definition, Types, and Benefits
Blood Type Test: Why (3 Functions), How, and Procedures
Blood type test is a test done to know one’s blood type. There are two types of blood type test, i.e. ABO system and Rhesus system (RH). Here are The functions and procedures of blood type test