| How To Cure A Jammed Finger Fast – Jammed finger is a type of sprain that occurs when the joints in the fingertips holding a heavy clash.
Finger sprains are the kind of injury that often occurs in sports, especially in the sport of volleyball, basketball, football, and rugby. Although you can speed up recovery, with home treatment methods, a jammed finger can often resolve itself without medication.
In some cases, you must use a medical treatment that jammed finger can function normally again and can move freely as usual.
How To Cure A Jammed Finger
Here are some home remedies to cure jammed finger:
Rest your fingers.
Jammed finger often caused due to improper handling of the ball in sports such as basketball, volleyball and baseball. When this activity is causing your finger injury, maybe you should stop doing the sports.
Rest for a few days up to several weeks, depending on the severity of Your injury. And depending on the job you do, maybe you should also ask for permission not to work or switch to another activity (for short) that does not involve too many hands or fingers.
Because a jammed finger, your ability to grab hold of something and will be interrupted. You will also be having trouble typing and writing, especially when the sprain occurs on the dominant hand.
In addition to some specific types of sports, finger sprains often occur at home, especially when fingers wedged the door.
Attach the ice on a jammed finger.
The next way How To Cure A Jammed Finger Fast is attach the ice on a jammed finger. Pain that occurs in the jammed finger usually caused by inflammation, so we encourage you to apply cold therapy as soon as possible as this could slow down circulation in the area are plastered, so ice will reduce swelling, and make nerve numbness.
You can use any frozen objects, such as ice cubes, boxes, or bags of gel vegetables (preferably a bag of peas) which is in the freezer. Whatever you choose to do a cold therapy, paste the object every hour for 10 to 15 minutes until the pain and inflammation is reduced. After a few days, perhaps you could stop using this ice therapy.
When attaching the ice on a jammed finger, elevate Your arm/hand position using some pillows to help reduce the effects of gravity and help reduce inflammation.
Don’t forget to wrap the cold objects with a cloth before you paste it on your finger so that you are not experiencing ice burn (skin damage due to exposure to very cold objects) or frostbitten (freezing of most organs of the body due to exposure to excessive cold temperature).
Taking anti-inflammatory drugs for a short period.
Another way that is also effective cure inflammation and pain in the jammed finger is by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve).
NSAIDS help control the flow of inflammation in your body, so it will reduce pain and swelling. Remember that NSAIDS and other pain relievers, drugs usually only intended for short-term use (less than 2 weeks) as it has harmful side effects on the liver, stomach and kidneys.
You should not take the NSAIDS when stomach is empty in the circumstances to reduce the risk of the emergence of irritation and/or sores on stomach.
Due to the risk of Reye’s syndrome emergence, you should never give aspirin to children under the age of 18 years, while children under the age of six months should not be given ibuprofen.
If you do not have an NSAID, and take the painkillers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also help cure a jammed finger, but the inflammation could not overcome with pain medication.
As a substitute for pills, you could apply anti-inflammatory cream or gel or pain relievers on the joints of your fingers. The cream or gel will be absorbed in the pain area and would eliminate the risk of developing gastric problems.
Wrap the injured finger to the finger next to it using plaster.
The Next way How To Cure A Jammed Finger Fast is Wrap the injured finger to the finger next to it using plaster. Though the sprain your finger already somewhat recovered, you should wrap it with adjacent fingers (usually called “buddy taping”) so that your fingers are not easy to move and the injury didn’t increase severe.
Use a plaster bandage and tape the injured finger to a finger next to it that has almost the same size. Caution, do not bind too tightly, as this can increase the swelling and could even hinder blood circulation to the finger injury. You could put some gauze on the sidelines both the finger so that the skin does not blister.
If you do not have a wound plaster, you can also use tape or a rubber bandage.
To give a bit of a strut on a jammed finger, you could use a splint of wood or aluminum which are bonded together with tape. Splint of aluminum can be set to the fitting position and can be bent so that it can be used on almost all types of finger injuries.
Consult with a doctor.
Go to the doctor when pain, swelling or stiffness in your fingers that the injury is not reduced within a week, even though you have a rest, reducing the activity and use other home remedies.
Thank you very much for reading How To Cure A Jammed Finger, hopefully useful.