One of the important materials in chemistry, especially chemical engineering is about the separation of compounds. Often before conducting qualitative or qualitative analysis, we must perform a homogeneous mixture separation.
Homogeneous Mixture Definition
The definition of homogeneous mixture in chemical science terms is a mixture of two or more compounds that form one phase (one form). That is, if we have a homogeneous mixture in a glass, then we take in half, will always contain all compounds in the amount of half of the total entirely in a glass, as well as when we have one drop. This is contrary to the heterogeneous mixture properties.
A mixture between two or more substances that constituent particles are indistinguishable from is called a homogeneous mixture. Homogeneous mixtures are often referred to as solutions. Examples of homogeneous mixtures, among others: a mixture of water with sugar called a sugar solution, a mixture of water with salt called a saline solution.
The particle size in the solution has a diameter of about 0.000000001 m, and cannot be seen with a microscope. Some examples of homogeneous mixtures above are mixtures between liquid substances.
Is there a mixture between metals, so that a homogeneous mixture is formed? There is a mixture between metal and other metals so that homogeneous mixtures are formed. For example, Stainless steel is widely used for medical and household devices. Stainless steel is a mixture of iron, chrome, and nickel metals.
A simple example is sea water. If you have one glass of seawater, it will contain water and salt. When you take half a glass of sea water, that half will contain half the salt of the one glass and half the water of the whole.
If you have a drop of seawater, then you take half a drop, then half a drop contains half the salt of one drop of sea water. Do you understand the definition of this homogeneous mixture?
Okay, another example is if you have butter on a spoon. Where butter contains protein and fat. Then, if you take half a spoonful you will get half of the amount of protein in a spoon and half the fat of the amount of one spoonful.
Homogeneous mixture characteristics
In the structures of homogeneous mixture formation we can conclude, that this mixture has the following characteristics:
- Having constituent particles between each other is indistinguishable.
- It has a taste equation.
- Has the same equation to color.
- Have the same level of concentration.
- Mixed substances have the same comparison.
- It can be in the form of solids, gases and liquids.
- Separation of mixtures can not be done through mechanical processes, but can be done through a more difficult process (distillation).
Homogeneous mixture properties
Homogeneous Mixture or this solution has the properties that, each constituent substance that serves as its formation has an equation, both in the form of taste, color, and comparison.
Constituent Substances that as the formation of this Homogeneous Mixture, can be solids, gases, or liquids. Examples such as Saline Solution is a combination of two substances, namely between water (Liquid) and salt (Solid), but taste, color, and comparisons can still be felt purity.
Homogeneous Mixture Example
What are some examples of homogeneous mixtures in everyday life? Examples of homogeneous mixtures are as follows:
- Solution of water and sugar in soft drink.
- Salt water (sea water has salt content).
- CO2 in water (carbonated water)
- CO (Carbon Monoxide) in the air
- Moisture in the air
- A mixture of copper, silver, and gold is white gold.
- The mixture of zinc and copper is brass.
Homogeneous Mixture Types
Various kinds of homogeneous mixtures along with examples of homogeneous mixture types are as follows:
As for the types of homogeneous mixtures.
Gas in Gas
Each gas can be dissolved in other gases and can also dissolve other gases. Air example is a mixture of gases consisting of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% carbon dioxide, water vapor, helium, argon, neon, and other gases.
Gas in Liquid Substances
Gases mixed with liquid substances can form a solution. Examples of carbon dioxide gas soluble in soft drinks.
Gas in Solids
Different types of gases can dissolve in solid substances forming a solution. An example of a solution of hydrogen gas in palladium metal.
Liquid Substances in Liquid Substances
In general, liquid substances can dissolve each other and dissolve other liquid substances and form a solution. Examples of alco**hol in water and vinegar in water. However, there are liquid substances that are not soluble in other liquid substances, such as oil in water.
Solids in Liquid Substances
The solution of solid substances in liquid substances is the most widely known examples of solutions, including sugar solutions and saline solutions.
Solids in Solids
Homogeneous mixtures are not always in liquid form, such as sugar solutions, or in the form of gases such as air, mixtures can also be solid, for example mixtures derived from metals with metals or known as metal or alloys.