The spinal cord is the soft tissue that is in the middle of the spine where blood cells, and platelets are produced. Here are The Spinal Cord Functions
Thymus Gland: Definition, Location, 3 Facts, Function, and How To Improve The Function
The thymus gland plays an important role in the immune system. If the thymus gland does not work properly, cancer cells and various types of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, will easily attack your body. Here are The Thymus Gland Definition, Location, Facts, Function, and How To Improve The Function
10 Facts About The Muscular System You Need To Know
Not many people know the various Facts About The Muscular System. In fact, unknowingly, daily activities ranging from breathing, swallowing, and moving even if done with the help of muscles.
3 Types, Function, and How Does The Muscular System Work
Do you like sports or not? Well, usually when exercising, one of the things that is desirable is to strengthen the part of the muscles. Well, it’s on the arm, abdomen, or legs. Do you too? But, actually, do you know How Does The Muscular System Work? The following explanation. Why can we move? Well, […]
5 Reasons Why do We Have Eyebrows?
Human eyebrows are like not too useful. But it turns out that eyebrows are more important than what you’ve been thinking. Why do We Have Eyebrows?
2 Serious Problems that Can Happen in External Iliac Artery
Inside our body, there are thousands of blood vessels that have its own function. When one of them has a problem, it can affect the entire body system. You will feel not well and uncomfortable. The external iliac artery is also no exception. In fact, this is one of the important blood vessels for your […]