GERD in Babies: Symptoms and Treatment – For babies, the slightest health disorder can trigger worries. One of these is a frequent baby vomiting. Look at this possibility as a symptom of gastric acid disorder in infants.
Babies often vomit is one of the usual things, especially after breastfeeding. Most do not require any action. But if the baby vomit accompanied by fussy, shortness of breath, often vomiting so the growth is impaired, or make weight does not increase, there is a chance that the baby experiencing stomach acid.
Symptoms of GERD in Babies.
If babies often vomit, especially after every meal, it needs to be traced further. Infants have the possibility of experiencing gastric acid or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Read also: How To Cure GERD Permanently.
Reflux occurs when the muscle circles between the esophagus and the stomach do not function optimally, so the stomach acid and the food from the stomach back into the esophagus. Generally, this occurs because the function of a muscular ring that functions like a valve on the lower part of the esophagus of the baby has not been perfect.
The good news, the valve will usually work perfectly from the age of 4-5 months to the age of one. At that time, the vomiting experienced by the baby stopped. Babies experiencing reflux can also be caused by a small size of the stomach, so it is easy to fully fill.
Besides of babies often vomit, some other symptoms accompanying GERD in babies are:
Babies often cough and vomiting while eating
The GERD in babies can make food that has gone into the stomach, instead rising back to the esophagus. Especially if this condition occurs when the child is eating.
As a result, the baby will choke, cough, until the vomiting and remove all the contents of his stomach. Even when the stomach acid that rises from the stomach enters the throat, it can make the baby to breathe hard.
Other symptoms.

- Abdominal pain.
- Pain or sore in the throat and chest. So often refuse breastfeeding or eating.
- Crying at or after breastfeeding or being fed.
- Babies look uncomfortable after eating.
- Often cough or cough lasts long enough.
- Respiratory disorders such as choking, cough, breath sounds or wheezing, to shortness of breath. If left untreated, this respiratory disorder can cause pneumonia.
- Babies have trouble sleeping. (Learning about: Temazepam 15 mg: Benefits, How To Use, and Side Effects)
- Growth disorder, this is due to babies do not acquire enough nutrients needed.
- Colic in infants.
Read also: How To Cure Barrett’s Esophagus Naturally.
GERD in Babies treatment
Do you often wake up in the middle of the night trying to calm your crying baby? Does your baby not eat well and keep spitting? This is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or gastric acid reflux.
As a new parent, definitely feel stressed seeing your baby in pain and not know how to calm it. We can help you with some tips to help your baby’s comfort.
Placing the baby in an upright position
After you feed the baby, you must make sure the baby is in an upright position for at least 30 minutes. This will help the gravity pull food and milk down and prevent GERD. Avoid putting your baby to sleep on your back. Your baby takes time to digest. Flat laying will complicate food or empty milk from the stomach.
Another suggestion is to change your baby’s diaper before breastfeeding. The reason is to avoid your baby lying like lifting the legs during diaper change. It can make all the food and milk back into the esophagus.
Other treatments:
- Avoid overfeeding.
- Avoid swinging your baby.
- Avoid tight clothing.
- Make your baby burp.
GERD can make your baby crying and uncomfortable. Babies are not able to speak, but can show signs and symptoms of GERD. Listen to your baby by paying attention to these signs. These Tips can help prevent your baby from suffering from GERD.
Market Health Beauty does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.