GERD and Coughing: Correlation, Causes, and How To Prevent It – Gastric acid Reflux disease (GERD) is a condition when the acidic fluid in the stomach moves up into the esophagus. People who experience this disease often feel the sensation of heat in the chest and the feeling of heartburn is irresistible. But too often cough can also be a sign of this health disorder. Here’s an explanation.
Read also; How To Cure GERD Permanently.
Correlation between GERD and coughing:
Often cough, may be due to stomach acid rises
People who suddenly become frequent cough can be caused by a soaring gastric acid level. This condition is also known as chronic cough, which is a cough that lasts for eight weeks or more and does not heal.
According to researchers from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, as many as 25 percent of chronic cough events are caused by GERD. In fact, as much as 75 percent of these do not suffer from gastric acid disease symptoms at all. This is why not many realize that a cough that does not heal is apparently caused by gastric acid rise.
Nevertheless, not all cases of chronic cough are caused by gastric acid disease. Because, chronic cough can also be caused by other health problems, such as asthma, respiratory tract infections, acute bronchitis, or smo**king habit.
Why do I often cough when stomach acid rises?
Until now, it has not known for sure why someone becomes more frequent coughing when his stomach acid rises. However, this is suspected because of two causes, namely the reflex form when gastric acid rises to the esophagus and Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) condition.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a form of body reflex when the stomach acid falls into the voice or throat box. As the stomach acid rises, the body secretes a certain response to protect the throat from rising of stomach acid. That is why you become coughing when stomach acid rises.
LPR is also called as silent reflux or hidden gastric acid reflux. The symptom is similar to the symptoms of gastric acid, but tends not to cause heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest and throat.
When gastric acid manages to touch the vocal cords and throat, it triggers some symptoms such as more frequent cough, hoarse sound, sore throat and lumps like someone is stuck. As small as any amount of gastric acid that rises into the esophagus, the lining of your throat and your voice box can be easily irritated. That’s why you need to be wary of symptoms.
Read also: GERD in Babies: Symptoms and Treatment.
The cause of GERD and Coughing

The cause of GERD is the weakening of the muscles between the esophagus and the stomach, the production of gastric acid increases, the ingredients in foods that can soothe muscles between the stomach and esophagus, pregnant, hiatal hernia, anxiety / emotional stress, complications Diabetes mellitus and high blood, etc.
GERD conditions can be a cause of the respiratory tract irritation, so the throat feels itchy, dry, sore and secrete excessive mucus that can trigger a cough.
The complication of GERD that is not well handled is Esofagus Barret, where the cell changes in the esophagus wall that 10-15% can turn into cancer. The percentage of esophageal cancer with the GERD trigger factor is actually not very large. But you need to know the things that trigger other esophageal cancer.
Is there any way we can do to prevent GERD cough?
A healthy lifestyle is the answer and you can start it for yourself. Improve diet, maintain ideal body weight, avoid direct lying after eating, reduce alco**hol, tea, coffee consumption, and smo**king, as well as avoid stress are some of them.
In addition, you may also need additional medicines, such as drugs that inhibit the production of gastric acid, gastric drugs to repair gastric work (prokinetic) so that the discharge of gastric acid is accelerated, and also the stomach medicine that are lining the gastric wall, so there is no disruption or damage to the stomach.
Please consult your internal medical specialist for a thorough medical examination if you are experiencing GERD symptoms. The best treatment can be given based on your condition after the doctor’s assessment and thorough examination.
Read also: 13 GERD Diet Plan: Behavior and Foods.
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