Whether you’re exercising to stay in shape or lose weight, you’ll have heard about a Fat Burning Heart Rate. Some people believe that the harder they exercise the more fat they burn, so they perform high intensity activities to remove them. The truth is, fat burning occurs at a much lower intensity than we realize.
Want to know the secrets of how your body burns calories that will make your sweat pay off with half the effort you make?
Each exercise, of course, someone’s heart rate will increase. The increased heart rate at a certain point turned out to burn more calories.
The American College of Sports Medicine encourages people who want to lose weight to make a method of increasing heart rate. This is done by exercising until the heart rate rises more than 70 percent of the maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate of each individual is different depending on the person’s age.
Read also: Heart Skipping Beats: 7 Risk Factors, and How To Stop It.
Understanding Your heart rate Zone
This explains why we breathe deeper and faster in high-intensity physical activity. Meanwhile, our heartbeat increases. The only way for us to measure the amount of oxygen needed for fat burning is to follow our target heart rate during exercise.
It’s useful to use a fitness tracker that shows your heart rate continuously.
The fat burning heart rate drops from 60 to 80 percent of our MHR or Maximum Heart Rate (HRmax). Our bodies derive energy from various ingredients in our systems in different heart rate zones.
- Healthy heart rate Zone (50-60% MHR): In this zone, the body gains its energy by burning 10% carbohydrate, 5% protein, and 85% fat.
- Fitness heart rate Zone (60-70% MHR): In the fitness zone, your body uses 85% fat, 5% protein, and 10% carbohydrate.
- Aerobic heart rate Zone (70-80% MHR): You burn half your calories from fat, half of carbohydrates, and less than 1% of protein.
- Anaerobic heart rate Zone (80-90% MHR): The body burns 85% carbohydrate, 15% fat, and less than 1% protein.
- Red Line Zone (90-100% MHR): You can’t climb higher and it’s recommended not to be in this range for more than a few minutes.
Fat Burning Heart Rate
The way to calculate the maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. If your age is currently 30 years old, then your maximum heart rate is 220-30 = 190 times per minute. Thus, the minimal heart rate during exercise to maximize fat burning is 190 x 70% = 133 times per minute.
The body of a person aged 20 years to 40 can burn fat when doing sports with his heartbeat is in the range of 108 — 120 bpm.
This heart rhythm can be achieved by exercising a weight lifting that also affects one’s fitness.
However, when people in the same age, exercise until their heartbeat reaches 126 — 140 bpm, the fat burning effect of the sport is no longer acquired and so it switches to improving one’s body endurance.
To find out the heart rate during your workouts, you can use a special watch that can calculate your heart rate. But what if it doesn’t have that? The trick is to calculate your heart rate through the pulse on your wrist for 10 seconds. Multiply the result by six, so you will know your heart rate.
Learn about Calculate Normal and Maximum Heart Rate During Exercise.
Fat Burning Heart Rate Exercise
Exercises that reach the rhythm of the heart are aerobic or cardio exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming. People whose are exercising just run will not burn fat.
However, when a person runs up to the lower intensity of the heart rhythm, it will influence the fat burning effect.
Scientifically, there are four types of exercises, namely endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.
- Endurance itself serves to improve the heart, keep the heart, circulatory system, and improve fitness.
- Strength is working to train muscles.
- The Balance that serves to prevent falling on the move, and
- Flexibility that serves to flex the muscles that are tense.
The proper exercise is carried out gradually from stretching for 5 to 10 minutes. Then proceed with a core exercise of 20 to 60 minutes and end with cooling that lasts 5 to 10 minutes.
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