Usually people choose to put up dentures to replace teeth that are dated or toothless. However, now you can use another dental treatment that is dental implants. What are dental implants? Is it safe to do?
What is Dental Implant?
Dental implants are titanium screws implanted in the jaw of the tooth in place of the dated root of the tooth as well as holding the replacement tooth to replace the root part of the tooth. So, you could say that dental implants are implanted. Planting is carried out on the upper or lower jaw bone, then it will fuse with the bone after a few months.
Dental implants can be used to replace one or more loose teeth. The teeth to be planted have the same shape and function as the original teeth. This can also provide natural results because it is more stable when used.
The advantages of dental implants over dentures or a bridge
The advantages of dental implants over dentures are:
- Dental implants make it easier for patients to chew food, while dentures can shift during meals.
- Dental implants provide more comfort than dentures, as they are firmly fitted.
- Dental implants will not change the appearance of the patient because they feel like real teeth.
- Dental implants will not cause patients difficulty speaking, like in dentures, as they will not shift during speech.
- Dental implants are fitted without having to shift or change the position of the existing teeth. This can improve oral and dental health rather than using dentures.
- Dental implants are usually more durable than dentures.
- Installing and treating dental implants is not as complicated as dentures, as they do not have to remove and use adhesives such as on dentures.
Dental Implant Process
Dental implants today are made of titanium easily fused with bones. Before performing the dental implant procedure, it is a good idea to understand in advance some of the process of installing dental implants.
Before the installation of dental implants, the things to note are:
Consult your doctor
You need to consult a dentist about the issue you complain about. If the doctor recommends the installation of dental implants, the doctor will then discuss the choice of anesthetic method before the action is performed.
X-ray, CT scans, and/or panoramic film
It is important to assess the quality and quantity of your jaw. It is only after that the doctor will determine whether the dental implant can be performed at the location you want or not.
Drugs consumed
Tell your doctor what medication you are taking regularly.
Medical history
Let your doctor know if you have a specific heart condition and have undergone orthopedic implants. It is necessary to consult to avoid the risk of postoperative infection.
In the dental implant process, the doctor will first inject anesthesia to the patient. Then, the doctor will remove the tooth. After the tooth is removed, the doctor will perform the drilling process at the gum site to be fitted with dental implants. It was only after that the dental implants were performed.
While the things to note on the treatment after dental implant installation are:
- If circumstances require you to get general anesthesia, then it’s best to make sure that someone will help you get home.
- Depending on how long the process takes and how long you have to wait for bone growth on your jaw.
- Once the surgery is complete, you don’t have to worry if you feel pain at the implant site, swelling and bruising to your skin and gums, as well as minor bleeding at the implant site. This is a natural thing to happen after dental implant surgery. But if it gets worse, go to the dentist immediately for treatment.