COVID Vs Flu: Symptoms and Treatment – Lately, the community is shrouded in concern due to the Corona virus outbreak. Because, this infection that attacks the respiratory system has symptoms similar to the common cold, but can be fatal. So, what distinguishes the common cold from corona virus infection or COVID-19?
Both the common cold and COVID-19 are both caused by viruses that attack the human respiratory tract. However, both viruses come from different groups and have different characteristics as well.
Flu-causing viruses are derived from the rhinovirus group. The virus spreads from human to human and most often attacks children or adolescents. Rhinovirus infection can occur all year round, but most often during the rainy season. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus.
COVID Vs flu symptom checker
Here are the differences in COVID Vs flu symptoms that we need to know.
Common flu symptoms
Flu is a viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat.
The common flu-causing virus comes from the rhinovirus group. The virus spreads from human to other humans through a splash of fluid released into the air by the sufferer while coughing, sneezing, or talking.
Children under the age of 6 are susceptible to the flu. However, older persons can also experience this type of disease. In general, common flu symptoms are caused, among others:
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Sneezing
- Fever (rare)
- Nasal congestion
- Mild headache
- Body feels sciatica
- Feeling limp
These symptoms usually appear 1-3 days after exposure to the virus from others who are sick with the flu.
People at risk of flu are children under the age of 1 as well as those with low immune systems.
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Symptoms of covid-19 infection
Coronavirus or COVID-19 infections also attack the respiratory system. It is not known if the symptoms of coronavirus are quite similar to the common cold.
Coronavirus can attack everyone from any age range, from children, older persons, pregnant or nursing women, to the elderly.
In addition, people who have previously experienced medical conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, seem more susceptible to becoming seriously ill due to the virus.
Symptoms of coronavirus infection actually vary between one person and another. Generally, coronavirus symptoms can appear 4-10 days after exposure from the suffering person. In general, the main symptoms of coronavirus include:
- High fever
- Dry cough
- Feeling limp
- Shortness of breath
These symptoms are usually mild and it can appear gradually.
COVID-19 sufferers can also experience muscle pain, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, colds, or diarrhea. However, these symptoms are rare and not typical in COVID-19 sufferers.
How to treat Flu Vs COVID 19 symptoms
How to treat the symptoms of COVID Vs flu cannot be equated. Because, although they are both spread through viruses, they have different ways of treating. Here’s how to treat common flu symptoms and coronavirus symptoms.
Common flu treatment
Flu symptoms can usually heal on their own within 4-7 days. Therefore, it only takes a lot of rest, eat nutritious food, and keep bodily fluids balanced in order to speed up the healing of the flu.
Painkillers (acetaminophen, paracetamol, and ibuprofen) can be used to relieve flu symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, and headache.
Painkillers are available in a variety of brands and it can be found easily in pharmacies.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe some types of supplements to increase the body’s immunity. This is done to shorten the symptoms of the disease or prevent serious complications, such as pneumonia, acute respiratory tract infections, or other lung diseases.
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Treatment of coronavirus infection
To date, no drugs or vaccines have been found that can treat and prevent coronavirus symptoms. For people who are positively infected with the coronavirus, there are three possible health conditions experienced by you after a series of coronavirus screenings, or possibly when experiencing symptoms of being infected with coronavirus even though they have not done the test.
First, symptoms are infected with coronavirus, but you are in good health and do not show any symptoms or are known to be people without symptoms (asymptomatic).
Preferably, you stay calm and don’t panic. Do not rush to the hospital to check yourself because your condition can spread the virus to others, especially while on the go and in health care facilities. You simply isolate yourself at home and lead a healthy and clean lifestyle, including hand washing.
Second, the symptoms are infected with coronavirus and you experience symptoms of a mild illness. For example, fever, cough, feeling limp, but not experiencing shortness of breath.
You can still do light activity normally. In this condition, you also do not need to rush to the hospital. You simply isolate yourself at home and lead a healthy and clean lifestyle, including hand washing.
Third, the symptoms are infected with coronavirus and you experience severe symptoms of the disease. For example, a high fever (body temperature above 38 degrees), experiencing shortness of breath, and not being able to do any activity.
This condition requires proper intensive care in the hospital in order to maintain the patient’s condition and overcome the complications that arise so as not to be fatal.
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Thank you very much for reading COVID Vs Flu: Symptoms and Treatment, hopefully useful.