While pregnant, your body will undergo many changes. Although this is a reasonable thing, but some of those problems often make you feel uncomfortable and in pain. One of the most frequent problems are back pain. This is because of the pressure and tension in your lower back and pelvis while pregnant.
Then, what other common problems while pregnant? Summarized from various sources, the following explanation:
Common problems while pregnant
Some pregnant women may experience nausea-vomiting while pregnant, and some won’t. According to experts, this is due to the pregnancy hormone activity and changes in the body. Pregnant women will be more often experience nausea, especially during the first trimester and could happen any day, even in a period of time. Make sure you still get nutritious intake every day, and when the nausea-vomiting lasts longer and excessive, immediately contact a doctor.
Nipple secretion.
Some time before childbirth, nipples will feel damp, and started secreting plain white or fluid. This is natural, because it is the result of pregnancy hormones and prepare your breasts to producing breast milk. Usually occurs in the third trimester, but the possibility also occurs earlier in some pregnant women.
In addition, other factors can also be the cause. Among others due to excessive nipple stimulation, there is an infection in the skin around the breast, as well as side effects of drugs. To determine whether the liquid is safe or not, immediate consultation to the doctor.
Read also: List of medicines to be avoided during pregnancy.
Leucorroea is one of Common Problems While Pregnant.
While pregnant, the level of vagi**nal discharge will increase. This is due to the vagi**nal walls become more flexible, so the production of mucus will increase. In addition, the condition of pregnant makes estrogen levels as well as blood flow towards the vagi**na increases. The sign of a vagi**nal discharge normal, which is the fluid is clear or white and odorless.
Frequent Urination.
Often feel tired, because you have to go back and forth to the bathroom at any time? Calm, reasonable, this is natural for you. Entering the second and third trimester, the fetus begins to develop and so its presence could suppress Your urinary tract. As a result, this is causing you more frequent urination.
Pressure that occurs in the stomach and pregnancy hormone activity also causes You to be susceptible to constipation. You can help relieve it by diligently consuming high-fiber food and drink plenty of plain water.
Changes to the skin and hair.
Most pregnant women have black patches on the skin, and then have hair growth in certain areas, as well as experiencing hair loss. According to George Kroumpouzos, MD, PhD a dermatologist in South Shore Medical Center in Norwell, the body will experience many changes during pregnancy. And this includes changes to hormonal fluctuations that can affect the skin, hair and nails as well. But you do not worry, because this would return to the normal state sometime after birth.
While pregnant, bleeding or flecks are often experienced by pregnant women. Bleeding or Fleck while pregnant is normal and some are dangerous. It relies on a lot of blood issued, how long the bleeding, the color of blood, what kind, and how old are your pregnancy when experienced it. The color of the blood that is brighter, feared to be a sign of a serious problem in Your womb compared to the blood lightly browned. Immediately go to the nearest doctor or midwife if you experienced it.
Morning sickness
Morning sickness is one of the most common pregnant women problems. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy. Although it is called morning sickness, but this condition is not always happening in the morning.
Morning sickness is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy. This condition makes pregnant women often feel like vomiting and nausea so lazy to eat.
Some factors that can cause morning sickness in pregnant women are:
- Increased levels of estrogen hormones in early pregnancy.
- Increased levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) hormone, which is a hormone that begins to be produced after fertilization.
- Deficiency of nutrients, such as vitamin B6 deficiency
- Digestive problems. Progesterone is a hormone that helps prepare and protect the uterus during pregnancy. Since the production of progesterone hormones increases, the movement of the small intestine, esophageal, and stomach decreases and causes nausea. The decrease in this movement occurred due to the muscle wall relaxes.
Read also: How To Stop Internal Bleeding Effectively.
Thank you very much for reading Common problems while pregnant, hopefully useful.