| The Causes of Hives – Not everyone has experienced hives. However, this condition can be caused by several factors that are rarely realized.
Hives which in the medical world is called urticaria is characterized by a red rash, bumps, and sometimes a burning sensation on the skin.
Those who experience this condition can also feel itching for hours in some parts of the body.
Usually, itching due to hives hit the hands, neck, and face. However, hives can also occur on the legs or chest.
Keep in mind that hives can be experienced by anyone, both young and old. Here are some factors that can trigger hives.
The Causes of Hives
1. Diet
Diet is one of the causes of hives. Hives that occur after eating shellfish, peanuts, eggs, milk, or berries indicate that the body is allergic to them.
The symptoms of allergies caused by certain foods will appear after a few hours.
For that reason, it is advised people who have food allergies to select their daily intake.
One way is to avoid some foods that have been consumed that cause hives.
Jaliman also said that people with allergies may also be given an EpiPen if they accidentally eat some foods that trigger hives.
In this case, the EpiPen can overcome anaphylaxis due to allergies, which are at risk of causing death.
2. Certain medical conditions
Food is not the only thing the cause of hives. Because, the body’s internal factors also influence this condition.
Itching during hives is not always related to allergies.
The reason is, this condition may be an early symptom of lupus, lymphoma, thyroid disease, and hepatitis.
It is for this reason that the hives that are already chronic (do not heal within six weeks) need to be treated medically.
People who suffer from chronic hives may undergo blood tests to identify underlying health problems.
According to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, hives can also be caused by a virus.
If the virus is the cause of hives, the itching due to this condition can last more than six weeks.
3. Emotional state
Emotional condition is one of the causes of hives. The intense emotional response can actually trigger hives on the face, according to The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Well, when hives become chronic and last longer than six weeks, stress and emotional turmoil can heat up the body.
Conditions like that must be watched out for because they can release histamine, the body’s chemical compounds are released when allergic.
Stress related to anxiety can cause hives.
People who experience hives due to stress may experience excessive itching and constant scratching.
4. Skin reaction
Insect bites and pollen are other causes of hives that are rarely realized – although some people are just ordinary bumps.
In addition, hives can be caused by sunlight and water or cold temperatures according to Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease.
American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology also explained, hives due to some of these triggers, including physical urticaria.
Li explained that physical urticaria is triggered by the skin condition itself and can be prevented by taking antihistamines.
These drugs can be taken to prevent hives caused by weather or temperature factors.
5. Exercise
Exercise before or after work can indeed increase endorphins. However, exercise routines can also one of the causes of hives.
According to Jaliman, the body produces acetylcholine – a chemical that can inhibit cell breakdown – in response to exercise.
For some people, acetylcholine irritates skin cells, irritates the skin, and causes rashes, including the release of histamine.
This is revealed in a 2021 study published in Allergology International.
On the other hand, Li said that sweat that causes acne can actually trigger hives.
Although sweating doesn’t actually cause hives, sweating indicates an increase in body heat.
Well, When hives occur due to increased body temperature, it is known as cholinergic urticaria.
For some people, excessive warmth to the skin from exercise or other heat-producing activities can cause hives.
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