| Can diabetics eat boiled potatoes? Diabetics need to be aware of an increase in blood sugar levels, so it is recommended to avoid sweet, high-sugar and carbohydrate foods [1].
Sweet potato including food ingredients that have a sweet taste and high carbohydrate content. Sweet potato is also known as a nutrient-rich food ingredient.
Content of Boiled Potatoes
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) has a high content of fiber and nutrients. Sweet potatoes contain a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are beneficial to health.
The following is the nutritional content in 100 grams of raw sweet potato [ 1, 4]:
- Calories: 86
- Water: 77%
- Protein: 1.6 grams
- Carbohydrates: 20.1 grams
- Sugar: 4.2 grams
- Fiber: 3 grams
- Fat: 0.1 grams
- Vitamin B1: 0.02 mg
- Vitamin B3: 0.4 mg
- Calcium: 27 mg
- Phosphorus: 162 mg
- Sodium: 52 mg
- Potassium: 320.7 mg
- Copper: 100 mcg
- Iron: 2.1 mg
- Zinc: 0.3 mg
Can diabetics eat boiled potatoes? Impact of Boiled Sweet Potato Consumption for Diabetics
Sweet potatoes have a high carbohydrate content, but generally have a low glycemic index. So it is safe to be consumed in moderation by diabetics.
The glycemic index is a ranking system for foods that contain carbohydrates. The rating or score given to a food ingredient indicates the effect its consumption has on blood sugar levels.
How to process or cook has a big influence on the value of the glycemic index. A study in Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2011 found that certain cooking methods can increase the value of the glycemic index of sweet potatoes [1, 5].
Studies show that the most baking and baking methods result in the most significant increases in glycemic index values, followed by frying. While boiling produces the lowest glycemic index value[5].
Boiled sweet potatoes have a glycemic index (GI) value of 46, while baked sweet potatoes have a GI value of 82 and roasted sweet potatoes have a GI value of 94.[1].
From the comparison of GI values, it can be concluded that consumption of boiled sweet potatoes will cause a slight increase in blood sugar levels compared to baked or baked sweet potatoes. [1].
Diabetics are advised to consume boiled sweet potatoes with the skin intact (not peeled) because it has a higher fiber content[5].
However, diabetics need to remember to control portions and not consume excessively because boiled sweet potatoes still have a high carbohydrate content. Excessive consumption has the potential to cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels [1].
Portion control is the main key to obtaining positive benefits from consuming boiled sweet potatoes. The recommended portion according to the USDA is about half a glass, equivalent to 15 grams of carbohydrates[5].
The American Diabetes Association recommends to ensure a safe number of servings can be consulted with a doctor or nutritionist because the ideal portion can differ from one person to another[5].
Apart from depending on the cooking method, the impact of sweet potato consumption on blood sugar levels can also differ depending on the type of sweet potato.
Here are the three most commonly consumed types of sweet potatoes and their impact on blood sugar levels.
Orange Sweet Potato
Orange sweet potato is one of the most common types and much in demand for consumption. Orange sweet potato has a reddish-brown outer skin and an orange inside.
Orange sweet potato is rich in the following nutritional content:
Orange sweet potato also contains anthocyanins which have benefits as antioxidants. Medium-sized boiled orange sweet potato has a GI value of 44. Orange sweet potato is known to help control blood sugar levels.
Purple Sweet Potatoes
Purple sweet potato is known to have many health benefits. It is characterized by a purple inside and outside which comes from the anthocyanin content.
Anthocyanins are water-soluble polyphenolic compounds known as pigments (color givers) in purple, red and blue fruits and vegetables.
Anthocyanins are known as high levels of antioxidants and have benefits such as:
- Helps reduce the risk of certain diseases
- Improve eyesight
- Overcoming diabetes
Studies indicate that anthocyanins may reverse or prevent the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin resistance.
Another study compared purple sweet potatoes with yellow sweet potatoes and found that polyphenol-rich purple sweet potatoes reduced glycemia, inflammation, and insulin. Purple sweet potato has a glycemic index value of 77.
Japanese Sweet Potato
Japanese sweet potato, also known as white sweet potato, has a purple color on the outside and white or yellow on the inside. Japanese sweet potato has a sweeter taste than other types of sweet potato.
Japanese sweet potatoes contain caiapo. In one study, it was concluded that caiapo is an agent that can help treat type 2 diabetes. Studies show that caiapo has a beneficial effect on blood levels. glucose and blood cholesterol in type 2 diabetes patients.
Benefits of Consuming Boiled Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are safe foods for diabetics to consume because they have a low glycemic index value. Not only that, sweet potato consumption provides various health benefits. Here are some of them [5, 6]:
- Helps control diabetes
Several studies indicate that sweet potatoes can minimize the occurrence of insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index value which indicates the release of sugar into the bloodstream takes place slowly or over a long time. This long, steady release helps control blood sugar levels so they don’t experience a significant increase or decrease.
Sweet potatoes also contain caiapo which has been shown to help control glucose and cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, sweet potatoes also have a high fiber content.
About 77% of the fiber in sweet potatoes is water-insoluble fiber, which is essential in increasing insulin sensitivity, thereby helping to control blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, water-soluble fiber in sweet potatoes functions effectively to reduce food consumption and increase blood sugar.
In addition, sweet potatoes are a source of magnesium, which is proven to minimize the risk of type 2 diabetes.
- Good for eye health
Sweet potatoes have a high beta carotene content. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A by the liver, with one molecule of beta carotene producing two molecules of vitamin A.
Vitamin A has an important role in maintaining eye health. Vitamin A is also important in helping the body fight infection.
Sweet potatoes contain high levels of fiber, which plays a role in improving intestinal health and the digestive system. This high fiber content can also help prevent constipation.
- Helps control blood pressure
Sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium and potassium which can help control blood pressure. Studies show that high potassium intake lowers blood pressure, and significantly reduces the risk of having a stroke or coronary disease
Magnesium has an important role in the prevention of high blood pressure. Studies show that magnesium deficiency in the body increases the risk of developing hypertension.
- Provides a longer full sensation
The high fiber content in sweet potatoes gives a fuller sensation. In addition to fiber, sweet potatoes also contain protein, which will make you feel full longer.
This can help in controlling food portions so it is not excessive, and can maintain body weight. The sensation of being full longer is also helpful for people who want to lose weight.
- Anonymous. Is Sweet Potato Good for Diabetes?? Does It Reduce Blood Sugar?? [Learn Everything in 2 mins]. Phable Care; 2021.
- Image: Pixabay
- Video: Klinio
- 4. Anonymous. Nutritional Value of Fresh Sweet Potatoes. Nutritional Value; 2022.
- 5. Kristeen Cherney, PhD, reviewed by Lynn Greger, RDN, CDCES. All the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for People With Diabetes. Everyday Health; 2017.
- 6. Anonymous. 15 Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes, According to Science. Olympia; 2017.