For almost all of women, acne, especially for severe acne can cause anxiety, embarrassment, isolation and even permanent skin scarring as well. The severe acne even can lower the opportunities of employment in several industries. Dermatologists have used the birth control pills to treat acne for women during some decades. However, only three birth control acne pills are actually approved by FDA.
Here information related to birth control acne and what type of birth controlled that you can use to treat acne.
How is birth control pill treat your acne?
Acne can be triggered by the excessive sebum production. Sebum is the oil that made by glands in your skin. Together with skin cells, then sebum can block the pores and increase the bacteria’s growth which been contributed to your acne. Then the women ovaries and adrenal gland is usually produce low level of androgens. When the level of androgens is increase, then it leads to get excessive sebum. Using birth control pill that contains of estrogen and progesterone can decrease the amount of androgens inside your body. Then result less sebum as well as less severe acne.
Types of birth control pills to treat acne
As mentioned before that only three birth control pills were approved by FDA to treat acne. All of them are combinations of oral contraceptives that contain of estrogen and progesteron. In fact, birth control pill which is only contains of progesterone can make your acne getting worse. FDA had approved the type of birth control pills to treat your acne as follows:
- Estrostep utilizes the estrogen which been combined with the progestin called as norethindrone. This pil is available in different dose of estrogen
- The Ortho Tri-Cyclen is also utilizes the estrogen which been combined with the progestin called as norgestimate. This progestin is also known as the manmade form of progesterone. This pill is available in different dose of progestin
- YAZ utilize the estrogen which been combined with the manmade form of progestin that known as drospirenone. However, FDA also stated that birth control pill that contains of drospirenone might increase the risk of blood clots compared to other progestins.
Those all oral contraceptives were approved by FDA to treat the moderate acne on women who:
- Need this contraception
- At least in age 14 or 15 years old, this is also depending on the brand
- She had already menstruating
In real practice, doctor might prescribe the birth control acne from mild to severe acne.