The Development of 8 Month old baby – The baby has reached the age of 8 months? Defines the behavior is more and more. Or maybe some are already learning to walk in this age. Well, Well, for those who can’t walk, the mother no need to worry. This time, we will reveal what the capabilities are usually owned by children aged 8-12 months. Remember, every baby has different growth and development. Although the baby have not mastered correctly the following capabilities, continue to believe if one day he will surely reach the milestone.
Development of 8 Month old baby
Physical development.
8 Month old baby generally start to stand, with the help of holding the chair or surrounding objects such as chairs or tables. At this age, the baby feels curious towards everything around them.
Ideal baby weight on a baby boy and baby girl is different. On the male gender is generally weight of an 8 month baby range from 7-10.5 kg, with length 66,5-74 cm. While the baby girl weighs about 6,3-10 kilograms, with a length of about 64-73 cm.
Motor Ability.
After mastering the crawl movement at the age of 7 months, then at this age babies will start to lift his body using their hands and knees. This time the baby also usually starts to move the body forward and backward. All the movement plays the strengthened the muscles as the foundation for running. 8 Month old baby can stand up, even though it is still holding.
Some nice toys for your baby in order to enhance the capabilities of motor skills are a bunch of plastic cups that stick to each other and the big blocks that are easily assembled.
Your baby’s ability to use the thumb and finger to pick up objects has well developed by now. He’s so smart holding objects, then note the small objects that may be taken and put in his mouth or he is thrust into a hole of his nose.
Love To Explore.
The baby love to play with his toys by shaking, poke, throw, and drop it. He also began to understand the function of an object, such as a comb is for combing the hair. Therefore, he will begin to use a variety of appropriate object function. For example, combing the hair with a comb, drinking with toy cup, and calling with a toy phone.
You can teach the baby to mention the names of objects pointing at it, such as the nose, mouth, eyes, cats, dolls, cars, etc. This time, the baby is also happy to drop the objects and saw the mother picked it up again. He was glad to do it repeatedly.
Read also: How Many Bones Does a Baby Have? Is It More Than Older Peoples’ Bones?
First word.
Quite possibly for 8 Month old baby to pronounce his first word nowadays. He will usually say the words that often hears, such as ‘ papa ‘ or ‘ mama ‘. Especially if you often read stories and tell him, he will be absorbed more vocabulary faster and then say the word at first.
Imitating older people.
The babies who are 8 months old are certainly always surrounded by the older people who are ready to be their role models. Therefore, at this age, babies start trying to do what the older people do, such as using the telephone talk, sing, combing hair, and so on. Baby really like if you give it a toy that can be used to imitate the activities, although it has not been good at imitating them.
Recommend Finger Food or food that can be Hand Held.
The mom can start giving the little food that can be gripped or get taken by hand during 1-2 times as much as 3-4 times per day, depending on the appetite, and with the average amount per meal ½ Bowl or 125 ml. To guarantee the nutritional needs of the child are met, always use Balanced Nutrition Guidelines with the 4 stars menu; that is to say, in each menu is presented to the baby in the once packed, containing four types of food groups:
- The staple food.
- Nuts.
- Vegetable and fruit.
- Side dishes.
Thank you very much for reading the Development of 8 Month old baby, hopefully useful.